Reasons to Hope: Manitoba Government Presents Throne Speech November 19, 2024 – The Manitoba government was joined by members of the public and community leaders from around the province at the reading of the speech from the throne, which outlines what Manitobans can expect from their government, Premier Wab Kinew announced today.
Manitoba Government Celebrates Restorative Justice Week November 18, 2024 – The Manitoba government has proclaimed Nov. 17 to 23 as Restorative Justice Week, highlighting the accomplishments and progress of restorative justice practices in the province, Justice Minister Matt Wiebe announced today.
The Legislative Assembly of Manitoba
Second Session, Forty-Third Legislature
Government Bills
Bill 1 An Act respecting the Administration of Oaths of Office/Loi sur la prestation des serments d’entrée en fonction
Under a net-metering agreement, a customer provides electricity generated by their solar photovoltaic system to Manitoba Hydro. Manitoba Hydro must award the customer credit, measured in kilowatt-hours, that is equal to the difference between the amount of electricity the customer produced and consumed in a billing period. The credit must be applied to the customer’s future bills.
Manitoba Hydro must enter into a net-metering agreement in the following circumstances:
a customer with an existing solar photovoltaic system that meets the Act’s requirements requests to enter into such an agreement;
a customer requests approval of a proposed solar photovoltaic system and, within six months after the approval, installs the system as proposed.
The Honourable Anita R. Neville, P.C., O.M., Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Manitoba delivers the Speech from the Throne to open the Fifth Session of the 42nd Manitoba Legislature on November 15, 2022.
Promises the government plans to commit to include:
Helping Make Our Communities Safer
Helping Families Make Ends Meet
Strengthening Health Care and Reducing Surgical and Diagnostic Backlogs
Helping Make Manitoba More Competitive
Helping Protect Our Environment, Climate and Parks
The second session of the 42nd Legislature has begun, with the Speech from the Throne.
The Manitoba government set out its key priorities to move Manitoba forward with guaranteed tax relief, job growth, health-care investments, education reform, and climate action in the speech from the throne, Premier Brian Pallister announced today. Delivered by the Chief Justice Richard J.F. Chartier at the opening of the second session of the 42nd legislature, the speech from the throne is an ambitious agenda with over 100 initiatives and at least 20 new bills planned for introduction.
The newly re-elected provincial government delivered the speech from the throne this morning:
The speech highlighted key government commitments including: • completing necessary legislative requirements in order to fully implement the measures outlined in Budget 2019; • continuing to work to make Manitoba more economically competitive by reducing regulatory red tape and encouraging innovation; • completing the implementation of the New West Partnership Trade Agreement; • addressing addictions and public safety issues; and • making strategic investments to strengthen front-line health, education and social services.
Yesterday marked the beginning of the 4th Session of the 41st Legislature. Lt.-Gov. Janice Filmon delivered the Speech from the Throne, where the government set out its priorities for this session.
Select highlights:
Improving accountability for results in the justice system and beginning in 2019, reporting annually on key measures such as recidivism rates, time to disposition of offences and custody counts;
Introducing an Immediate Roadside Prohibition Program to allow police to address lower-level alcohol-related cases more quickly using administrative penalties;
Enhancing supports for victims of domestic violence with two new pilot programs and introducing legislation to pilot a first-in-Canada family resolution service;
Helping keep children and families together and bringing forward legislative changes to The Child and Family Services Act and The Child and Family Services Authorities Act;
Bringing forward legislative amendments to allow the safe testing of autonomous vehicles on provincial roads.
The Manitoba Law Library would like to acknowledge with gratitude that we are situated on Treaty One Territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree and Dakota peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.
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