New Online Titles

Available behind the member’s portal, these new electronic books have been added to our desLibris collection for reading.

Pension Law, 3rd ed. by Ari Kaplan and Mitch Frazer

“The third edition of Pension Law updates pension law and legislation starting with the Supreme Court of Canada’s 2013 decision in IBM Canada Limited v Waterman, through to the 2020 release of Fraser v Canada (Attorney General). These cases further our legal understanding of pension benefits as bearing the “hallmarks of a property right” and as a source of human rights and dignity. This new edition also tracks regulatory developments, including the shift from solvency to going-concern funding as reflected by exemptions granted to public sector plans, conversions to target benefits and jointly sponsored plans, and industry consolidation.”

An Introduction to University Governance by Cheryl Foy

An Introduction to University Governance is a resource to support current and prospective university governance professionals and those serving on university boards and academic governing bodies, and will be of interest to members of government, consultants, lawyers, mediators, arbitrators, and others who work closely with universities. It is intended to be an accessible rather than an academic book, written to encourage more effective university governance with more engaged participants within the over-150 universities in Canada.”

Guthrie’s Guide to Better Legal Writing, 2nd ed. by Neil Guthrie

“Lawyers like to think they are good writers. Their non-lawyer readers are more likely to describe their writing as turgid, pedantic, Latin-filled, jargon-ridden, misspelt, ungrammatical, and inelegant. Guthrie’s Guide to Better Legal Writing won’t solve all your problems, but it will help you make your prose clear, correct, and compelling. The focus is on communicating more effectively in email, letters, memos, blog posts, client updates, and social media, but there are some pointers on contractual drafting and written advocacy as well. A bit of strategy, some grammar and spelling, and a lot of style.”

New eBooks available from CanLII and desLibris

Canlli and have added to their collection of eBooks with 13 new titles, with a range of different legal topics. These eBooks are collected from authors and compiled to make legal research easier.

Check out the new titles here, or read the CanLII blog for more information

These titles are now available on desLibris. Log in to the Member’s Portal and click on Library Resources to get access.

The Law of Property provides an introduction to property law that is meant to be accessible to law students and readers with little to no legal background. It explores and explains the variety of different property rights that exist in Canadian law, the ways in which property rights can be created or transferred to others, and the resolution of disputes between people who claim competing property rights to the same thing. This book presents a thorough and enjoyable analysis of the law of property that will help readers understand both the subject as a whole and its finer details.

United Nations Law, Politics, and Practice explores the important events that shaped the United Nations under different Secretaries-General, describes the legal framework in which it operates, and discusses its politics and practice from an insider’s viewpoint. It provides sufficient information on the UN’s evolution, structure, functioning, and activities in order to empower readers to form their own thoughts about the strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures of the UN. Students, professors, lawyers, diplomats, international public servants, and those with any interest in international relations or international law will consider this book a valuable resource examining the world’s most prominent intergovernmental organization.

The Canadian Class Action Review, Vol. 16, No. 2

  • Book Review: Defending Class Actions In Canada: A Guide For Defendants Michael A Crystal And Maria Khan
  • Flash Boys Class Actions: Civil Fraud, Conspiracy, And The Certifiability Of High-Frequency Trading Cases In Canada Lindsay Frame
  • An Overview Of Class Actions And Covid-19 In Ontario’s Long-Term Care Facilities Jordan Assaraf
  • The Unworkability Of The Workable Methodology Standard Kate Boyle And Nicholas Hooper United We Stand, Divided We Fall: Class Actions And Corporate Hegemony Rebecca Meharchand
  • The Limits Of Case Management: A Review And Principled Approach To The Court’s General Management Powers Paul-Erik Veel, Adil Abdulla, And Angela Hou
  • Determining A Fair Price For Carriage?: Applying A “Fee-Driven” Factor And Reverse Auctions To Adjudicating Carriage Motions In Ontario Timothy Law

Search and Seizure, and Fraud Cases now available

Now available online behind the member’s portal are two titles from Emond’s Criminal Law series.

Search and Seizure
by Nader Hasan, Mabel Lai, David Schermbrucker, and Randy Schwartz

Search and Seizure provides a practical examination of the evolving body of legal rules and principles that govern how reasonable searches and seizures are conducted. In particular, it considers the increased complexity of assessing a person’s reasonable expectation of privacy in the digital age. This handbook addresses central concerns and relevant topics such as Section 487 Search Warrants, computer device searches, warrantless searches, and exclusion of evidence.”

Prosecuting and Defending Fraud Cases — 2nd edition
by Grace Hession David, Ian Smith, and Jonathan Shime

Prosecuting and Defending Fraud Cases: A Practitioner’s Handbook, 2nd Edition prepares readers to properly litigate fraud cases, examining both prosecutorial and defence perspectives. Guiding readers step by step throughout the process of a fraud case, this practical resource weaves strategic information with case law analysis and relevant provisions of the Criminal Code.

To get instant access to these titles and the rest of the Emond’s Criminal Law Series log into the Member Portal and click on Library Resources.

New and Updated Texts, Journals, and Looseleafs

Print Books

The Canadian Law of Architecture and Engineering — 3rd ed.

by Beverley M. McLachlin and Arthur M. Grant

“As explained in the preface to this new volume, in the more than 25 years since the second edition of The Canadian Law of Architecture and Engineering was published, the practice and law related to architecture and engineering have changed in important ways, including “the increased mobility of architects and engineers within Canada and internationally and the legal requirements imposed on professionals from outside of the country, and the importance of addressing the environmental impact of building projects.” All of these significant changes are addressed in this third edition of The Canadian Law of Architecture and Engineering.”

Digital Commerce in Canada

by Michael Deturbide  and Teresa Scassa 

“Formerly known as Electronic Commerce and Internet Law in Canada, the second edition of this book won the 2013 Walter Owen Book Prize – and this new title is sure to garner praise of the same magnitude. Written by leading experts in the field, Digital Commerce in Canada provides an in-depth look at digital transactions, and in particular the contractual nature of the relationships that form the basis of those transactions. The book also provides extensive consideration of private sector data protection law and its application.”

Cross-Examination: The Pinpoint Method

by Kyla Lee

“Cross-examination is the most difficult skill to learn, and it is also the easiest to use incorrectly and ineffectively.” Avoid falling into that trap by adopting the pinpoint method of cross-examination today.”

Digital Titles

From DesLibris

Canadian Competition Law and Policy

by John S. Tyhurst

“While this book is focused on the law, the discussion also touches on topics related to the broader subject of competition policy, which deals with such matters as how competition legislation is designed and implemented, and its interplay with regulatory and other government policies that may affect the competitive market.  An emerging issue in this respect is the conduct of dominant firms in digital and data-driven markets, and the extent to which competition law is equipped to address this conduct or may need to adapt or change to do so. Canadian Competition Law and Policy addresses other fascinating and challenging examples of industry structures (such as oligopolistic markets) and market conduct (such as tied selling and predatory pricing) that require a blend of business, economics, law and related disciplines for their analysis.”


We carry a number of annually updated looseleafs in many areas of law. The most recently updated titles this month are:

The Law of Municipal Liability

Canadian Construction Labour and Employment Law

Class Actions Law and Practice

Wrongful Dismissal Practice Manual

Canadian Legal Practice

Newly added Print Titles

We have received a number of new titles to add to our print collection. Although the library is not open quite yet, we can still arrange for loans for any of these new items. Email us for more info at

A Guide to Mental Disorder Law in Canadian Criminal Justice, by Michael Davies, Anita Szigeti, Meaghan McMahon, and Jill R. Presser
“This authoritative text on mental disorder matters in Canadian criminal justice will assist counsel in all such proceedings. The volume sets out the applicable law and provides practical advice on mental disorder cases. It is a comprehensive guide to criminal litigation involving vulnerable accused persons who may be unfit to stand trial, considering whether to seek a verdict of “Not Criminally Responsible” and navigating through the complex provisions within Part XX.1, the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Code.

Lawyer’s Professional Liability — 4th ed. by Stephen Grant, Linda Rothstein, and John Adair
“This essential resource offers practical guidance for avoiding legal malpractice claims and is particularly relevant for any lawyer involved in adjudicating, litigating or settling legal malpractice suits. Now in its fourth edition, this reference volume features the latest jurisprudence and updated content to reflect the current state of lawyers’ professional liability, making it a vital addition to every lawyer’s bookshelf.”

General Principles of Canadian Insurance Law — 3rd ed. by Barbara Billingsley

Whether you are preparing and arguing insurance cases in court, assessing the enforceability of an insurance contract, or advising clients about their insurance contracts – General Principles of Canadian Insurance Law, 3rd Edition provides the straightforward analysis and valuable insight you need to be at your most effective. This comprehensive publication focuses exclusively on Canadian insurance law general principles, and is now fully updated to take into account the latest developments in case law and insurance regulation.

A Guide to Canadian Money-Laundering Legislation — 6th ed. by Suhuyini Abudulai
“As an active participant in international efforts to combat money laundering and terrorist financing activity, Canada has continued to revise its legislation to enhance the country’s capacity to protect its financial system and to meet international standards.

Now in its Sixth Edition, this legal reference is updated by Suhuyini Abudulai to keep you abreast of the latest amendments to the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act and its associated regulations.”

Judicial Review of Immigration Decisions by Lorne Waldman
“Unlike other applicants, those looking for judicial review of such decisions have to clear the additional hurdle of seeking leave to commence their application. Judicial Review of Immigration Decisions offers expert insight and practical advice on every step of the judicial review process – from filing the initial motion for leave to appealing a decision of the Federal Court of Appeal. In addition, this text provides detailed interpretation of the applicable Federal Courts Citizenship, Immigration and Refugee Protection Rules, as well as in-depth analysis of the relevant jurisprudence.”

Nathan and Goldfarb’s Company Meetings for Share Capital — 12th ed. by Hartley R. Nathan, and Clifford S. Goldfarb

“Now in its 12th edition, the newly retitled Nathan & Goldfarb’s Company Meetings for Share Capital and Non-Share Capital Corporations discusses the rules of procedure specific to meetings of directors, shareholders, and members for share capital and non-share capital corporations.”

Newly Added Library Titles

Online Collection

From the Emond’s Criminal Law Series (behind the member’s portal)

Prosecuting and Defending Sexual Offence Cases – 2nd ed. by Daniel Brown and Jill Witkin
“Crown prosecutor Jill Witkin and defence lawyer Daniel Brown offer an extensive examination of the legal processes involved in litigating sexual offences. This bestseller is designed to help practitioners focus on the procedural, evidentiary, and strategic elements specific to sexual offence cases. These elements include search issues, children’s evidence, cross-examination on private records, and sentencing.”

From desLibris (behind the member’s portal)

The Law of Contracts – 3rd ed. by John McCamus
“Incorporates reference to recent Canadian cases on doctrines such as estoppel, privity, interpretation, and appellate review, and discussion of recent leading authorities dealing with such matters as contractual interpretation and the application of the basic principles of formation to e-commerce.
The Law of Contracts is an indispensible resource for anyone interested in modern Canadian contract law.”

Print Collection

Sopinka on the Trial of an Action – 4th Edition, by J. Kenneth McEwan
First published in 1981, this classic manual offers invaluable insight into trial techniques from the perspective of The Late Honourable Mr. Justice John Sopinka who was one of the nation’s leading litigators before his appointment to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Liability Insurance Law in Canada – 7th Edition, by Gordon G. Hilliker
“When you’re facing a liability insurance issue, it’s critical to seek expert advice. With this seventh edition of Gordon Hilliker’s Liability Insurance Law in Canada, that’s exactly what you’ll get. Logically organized and concisely written in clear terms by one of the country’s foremost insurance law practitioners, Liability Insurance Law in Canada has been referred to by every trial and appellate court in the nation, including the Supreme Court of Canada.”

The Great Library will be closed from December 25, 2024 to January 1, 2025 for the winter holidays. Regular office hours will resume on Thursday, January 2, 2025.