New Online Titles
These titles have been newly added to our online collection on DesLibris, which is available behind the Member’s Portal:

Information and Privacy Law in Canada by Barbara von Tigerstrom
” Information and Privacy Law in Canada explores how we can access information held by public bodies, what governments and other organizations can do with information about us, and how we can use the courts or other mechanisms to hold others accountable when they violate our privacy or misuse our personal information. It examines privacy as a multi-faceted concept that includes control over information about ourselves, but also protection of our identities, our personal space, and even our bodies from unwanted scrutiny and interference.”
Mergers, Acquisitions and Other Changes of Corporate Control –3rd ed. by Christopher C. Nicholls
“This book offers a succinct and insightful discussion of the principal laws governing mergers and acquisitions transactions conducted in Canada. It draws on a collection of loosely related legal principles and rules in corporate law and securities law, as well as a handful of other areas relevant to Canadian business acquisitions. This third edition discusses the implications of a host of recent legal and regulatory developments since the publication of the second edition, including, in particular, the groundbreaking changes introduced by National Instrument 62-104 in 2016.”
The Canadian Investor : Challenge and Change in Canadian Capital Markets by Anita Indira Anand
“The Canadian Investor is one of the clearest and most informative accounts of Canada’s financial system and the issues it has been facing since the 2008 financial market crash. This insightful book examines all aspects of the many different institutions, programs, actors, and laws that affect investors’ rights. A detailed and accessible analysis of the Canadian landscape that explores securities commissions and other regulatory institutions through a contemporary lens, The Canadian Investor is currently unique in Canada.”
Criminal Procedure — 4th ed. by Steve Coughlan
“This book sets out and examines the law governing criminal procedure in Canada. It explains the body of rules and principles that govern the investigation, prosecution, and adjudication of any offence enacted by Parliament for which an accused person would have a criminal record if found guilty by a court exercising jurisdiction under the Criminal Code. This fourth edition updates the law in all areas of criminal procedure. Most notably, it incorporates significant discussion of Bill C-75, which has made changes to a great many areas of the Criminal Code. In addition, it includes discussion of significant new Supreme Court of Canada cases.”
Anatomy of an Election : Canada’s Federal General Election of 2019 Through the Lens of Political Law by Gregory Tardi
“Anatomy of an Election takes a comprehensive and interdisciplinary look at Canada’s 2019 federal election as an example of a democratic election. This book is unique in its explanation of elections and electioneering. It sets the scene by enumerating the foundational elements of Canada’s electoral system, focusing on the constitutional principles, the legislation, and the major court judgments. It then traces the flow of political legal events since 2015 that have led to the forty-third general election. Most importantly, this text provides a day-by-day diary that records the most important political and legal events throughout the campaign.”
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