New Books in the Library – Wills and Estates Titles

We recently ordered a number of new books to add to our collection. All titles are linked to the publisher’s record which includes a summary of the content. You can search the Great Library Catalogue to see if the book is available.


Wills and Estates

Macdonell, Sheard and Hull on Probate Practice, 5th ed.

Oosterhoff on Wills, 8th ed.

The Executor’s Handbook, 5th ed.

Although new items are placed in our reserve collection, they are still available for borrowing for a 48 hour period.


ONCA on Succession and Family Law

The Ontario Court of Appeal released a decision on how to apply the Succession Law Reform Act where  a husband had been ordered to purchase life insurance to cover his obligations for support. The husband remarried, and changed the beneficiaries of the account to include the second wife and children and of the second marriage. After his death, Wife 1 and Wife 2 claimed entitlement to the insurance proceeds.

Decision: Dagg v. Cameron Estate 2017 ONCA 366

Commentary: From The Lawyer’s Daily: Appeal Decision Shines Light

The library will be closing at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11th.  Lawyers can ask Protective Services for access after hours.