Upcoming CPD – Considering Cannabis

January 10, 2019 – Considering Cannabis: Cannabis Legalization and Impacts in the Workplace

The legalization of recreational cannabis brings with it a multitude of issues for employers to address. Experienced labour and employment lawyer Tracey L. Epp, Pitblado LLP, will provide a fascinating review of the legal status of cannabis in Canada from its criminalization early in the last century, to the introduction of medical cannabis in 2001, to the recent legalization of recreational cannabis under the federal Cannabis Act. She will also briefly describe the provincial framework for regulating retail cannabis sales in Manitoba.

The program will explore key issues from an employment perspective particularly with respect to the need for workplace policies that address the use of recreational cannabis both on and off-duty, fitness for work, impairment and the designation of safety sensitive positions. Ms. Epp will also provide a refresher on medical cannabis and relevant employer considerations such as the duty to accommodate and health benefits plan coverage.

If you are an employer or you provide legal advice to employers, this program is not to be missed.

Presenter: Tracey L. Epp, Pitblado LLP

Registration Fee:
Lawyer – $95.00 (plus GST)
Student – $47.50 (plus GST) ~ 50%  Discount
Registration fee includes materials and lunch

Webinar Registration Fee: $65 plus GST (includes materials sent electronically) 
Registrants will receive an email prior to January 10 with detailed instructions on how to connect.

Eligibility For CPD Hours: This program may be reported for up to 2 hours of eligible CPD activity.

Considering Cannabis – CPD Series Addressing the Legalization of Cannabis

The federal government’s legalization of non-medical (recreational) cannabis on October 17, 2018, marks the end of a 95-year prohibition in Canada. The magnitude of this change on a societal level is yet to be determined and understood, but lawyers are already grappling with the legal rules and ramifications of legalization. In its continuing professional development (CPD) series Considering Cannabis, the Law Society of Manitoba will offer programs addressing the legalization of cannabis from a variety of legal perspectives.

Our first program in the series features RCMP Sergeant Mark Hume who will speak about the extensive changes to the transportation provisions of the Criminal Code, with a focus on the sections relating to drug-impaired driving. This CPD  Reforms to Transportation Offences and Drug-Impaired Driving Offences takes place this Thursday, November 22, and registration for in-person or webinar  attendance is still available.

Coming up next in the series, on January 10, 2019, Tracey L. Epp, Pitblado LLP  will review the workplace impacts of cannabis legalization, including the need for employers to amend existing policies to address the use of recreational cannabis.

Please watch for further updates about Considering Cannabis programs to come in 2019.

Upcoming CPD Opportunities

It’s your last chance for Law Society of Manitoba summer replays. Programs you may have meant to attend earlier in the year are now available for viewing at the law society’s new offices at 200 – 260 St. Mary Avenue. Register here.

The Manitoba Bar Association Family Law Section’s program “New Model for Scheduling and Case Flow Management” on August 23rd is full for in-person attendance, however, webinar registration is still available. The Court of Queen’s Bench Family Division will be introducing a New Model for Scheduling and Case Flow Management in respect of Non-Child Protection matters. Scheduling under the new model is anticipated to commence September 2018 with this then to be implemented and published in the circulated 2019 rotas.

Annual Rural Bar programs are also accepting registration. The Central Bar Annual CPD will take place in Portage La Prairie on August 24th. The first presentation will be on real estate conveyancing with a focus on trust conditions. The second presentation will be on the proposed federal Bill C-46 amendments to the transportation provisions in the Criminal Code, primarily focusing on drug-impaired driving. This is in anticipation of the legalization of marijuana under the federal Cannabis Act.

The Western Bar Annual CPD will take place at Elkhorn Resort and Conference Centre in Clear Lake, on September 7th. This presentation will focus on the important topic of diversity and inclusion.

CPD in the Library!

On Wednesday, June 20th our trainer, Frank Merryweather from LexisNexis will be here offering sessions to show users how to navigate and search the new Lexis Advance Quicklaw platform.

The sessions offered will be 30 minutes long, and each session qualifies for 30 minutes of your CPD requirements.

The schedule is as follows:

9:00 – 9:30        Criminal Law
10:00 – 10:30   Corporate/Commercial Law
11:00 – 11:30     Personal Injury Law
1:00 – 1:30          Family Law
2:00 – 2:30         Labour and Employment Law
3:00 – 3:30         Criminal Law

CPD in the Library – Registration Form


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the library and we will be happy to help!



2017 AMR Now Complete ~What’s Next ? Looking Ahead to 2018

Now that you have successfully submitted your 2017 AMR and MCPD report for April 1, 2018, what’s next? Might be hard to believe but even though you may have just completed your 2017 report, we are already entering the second quarter of 2018. So there is no time like the present to dive in and develop a Continuing Professional plan for the year.

Remember Your Annual MCPD activities must be completed in the current calendar Year.

This means your required 12 CPD hours for 2018 must be completed between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018. So while the actual report for these hours is not due until the following year (April 1, 2019), the clock has already begun for 2018. It’s time to put your 2018 Continuing Professional Development plan into action !

There is No Need to Wait

Having trouble remembering the exact details for a programs you completed earlier in the year? Don’t wait to fill this information in. Details about CPD activities can be entered into the CPD Tracker at any time during the year, just make sure to click submit!

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions ~ It’s your Responsibility to find Relevant CPD

Take the time to explore the many, many CPD options available to you and avoid the end of year scramble to complete your hours. On top of regular classroom style CPD programming, the Law Society also has many alternative cost effective and convenient CPD options including DVD replays, cpdonline and webinars which offer group discounts.

Additionally, there are plenty of alternatives outside the Law Society including other continuing legal education providers like, the Canadian Bar Association, in-house programs offered by law firms or even organized education discussion like the Manitoba Bar Association section meetings. Furthermore, teaching CPD sessions on a topic relevant to your practice is another great option to meet your CPD requirement. Eligible hours for teaching includes the preparation time required beforehand.

If you consider the wide range of CPD options available you will have no problem finding interesting and useful professional development opportunities.

To begin, check out the Law Society CPD Program page, which is regularly updated with new programming. If you don’t see a program that interests you, why not explore another CPD provider? For some ideas on where to look here is a brief list of CPD providers  to get you started!

Upcoming Presentation: Legal Research Tips and Techniques

Navigating the world of legal research in the 21st century can be tricky: our technology has become vastly different from the way it was even 10 years ago. As legal publishers have gone increasingly digital, we now have a plethora of databases and resources to choose from. The question isn’t “which is the right database?” but rather “how do I effectively navigate the world of legal research to get me the information I need?”

This presentation will aim to give you a better understanding of the variety of resources available to lawyers, including what they offer and what their limitations are (print and digital), and what staff at the Manitoba Law Library can offer to help supplement your research.

We are currently offering this presentation:

If you would like a personalized presentation, please contact Karen Sawatzky. These presentations count towards your mandatory Continuing Professional Development.

The Great Library will be closed from December 25, 2024 to January 1, 2025 for the winter holidays. Regular office hours will resume on Thursday, January 2, 2025.