by Allyssa McFadyen | Oct 29, 2018 | Criminal Law, Current Awareness, Evidence, Impaired Driving, New Books
Two new titles have been added to our collection:
Related Titles in the Library:
Newsletter Subscriptions:
- Watt’s Criminal Law and Evidence Newsletter
- Alan D. Gold’s Criminal Law NetLetter
- Impaired Driving NetLetter
- Segal’s Motor Vehicle and Impaired Driving Newsletter
- Police Powers Newsletter
Our Current Awareness service is offered to members of the Law Society of Manitoba. To receive the latest issues right to your inbox, contact the Manitoba Law Library by phone, email, or in person and we will be happy to add you to our distribution list.
To view our other available subscriptions or for more information, visit our Current Awareness guide.
by Allyssa McFadyen | Oct 17, 2018 | Cannabis, Criminal Law, Legislation
With the official legalization of cannabis across Canada on October 17, 2018 we decided to compile some resources to help you and your clients navigate the new and important changes to the Provincial and Federal Legislation.
Manitoba Resources
Legislation Changes*
The Cannabis Harm Prevention Act (Various Acts Amended) S.M. 2017, c. 22
The Child Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking Act C.C.S.M. c. C94
The Drivers and Vehicles Act C.C.S.M. c. D104
The Highway Traffic Act C.C.S.M. c. H60
The Mental Health Act C.C.S.M. c. M110
The Smoking and Vapour Products Control Act, C.C.S.M. c. S150
The Off-Road Vehicles Act C.C.S.M. c. O31
The Public Schools Act C.C.S.M. c. P250
Web Resources
Cannabis in Manitoba
Manitoba Laws
Federal Resources
Legislation Changes*
The Cannabis Act
Criminal Code
Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
Web Resources
Cannabis Laws and Regulations
Frequently Asked Questions: Drug-Impaired Driving Laws
Cannabis in Canada: Get the Facts
Wigmore on Cannabis by James G. Wigmore (Available to Members of the Law Society of Manitoba on desLibris behind the Member’s Portal.)
*This is a small list of recent legislation changes that have changed with the legalization of Cannabis in Canada. This is not a complete list of legislation changes and is current to October 17, 2018.
by Karen Sawatzky | Oct 3, 2018 | Access to Justice, Criminal Law, Sentencing
As I’ve mentioned before, I read “What’s hot on CanLII” every week to find out what decisions a significant number of viewers found interesting. Sometimes, I make surreptitious finds that I like to share with you.
This week, the number 2 case was R. v. Morris, 2018 ONSC 5186. What was so significant about this case? It was written reasons for sentencing, provided by Nakatsuru, J. The importance of the decision is the language and the writing. Justice Nakatsuru wrote as if he was speaking directly to the offender. He used short sentences, plain English, and he explained every detail of how he came up with his decision and why he chose to accept some evidence even though the Crown objected.
This is not the first time Justice Nakatsuru has written in this manner. In R. v. Armitage, 2015 ONCJ 64, a decision of the Gladue court in Toronto, he also wrote directly to the offender.
I find this approach incredibly heartening. To me, it shows that justice is listening to offenders and not only taking into account their background, but explaining it to them so they can understand. In a law library like we have, we’re surrounded by works that require significant literacy skills to understand. Thank you to J. Nakatsuru for considering his audience while writing his decision.
by Allyssa McFadyen | Sep 12, 2018 | Access to Justice, Business Law, Criminal Law, Wills and Estates
Law in the Library is a free program offered by the Winnipeg Public Library in conjunction with the Community Legal Education Association. This program offers free sessions on various areas of law, presented by professionals.
Registration through the Winnipeg Public Library is required.
The upcoming sessions are:
Thursday, September 13: 6:30- 8 pm. Register
Tuesday, October 2: 6:30-8 pm. Register
Monday, October 15: 6:30 – 8pm. Register
Tuesday, October 30: 12 – 1 pm. Register
Thursday, November 1: 6:30-8 pm. Register
Monday, November 5: 5:30-7:30 pm. Register
by Allyssa McFadyen | Aug 17, 2018 | Criminal Law, Law Society Publications, Legal Research
The August 2018 edition, Update No. 87, has just been released.
In This Issue
- Solicitor Client Privilege Not a Sword to Pierce Informer Privilege: SCC
- Sentencing a Highly Individualized Process: SCC
- CSC Must Ensure Appropriateness of Indigenous Offender
- Policies and Programming: SCC
- On-Duty Theft Conviction and Sentence Divides Appeal Court: MBCA
- Allegations of Judicial Bias Should Not be Made Lightly: MBCA
- Absence of Aggravating Factors Not Mitigating: MBCA
- Trafficking Conviction Stands Despite Unlawful Search: MBCA
- Sextortion a Form of Sexual Violence: MBCA
- Other Court of Appeal Decisions
- Queen’s Bench Decisions
- Legislative Update
- Court Notices
- Recommended Reading
- Fall CPD
by Karen Sawatzky | Aug 6, 2018 | Caselaw, Criminal Law, Distracted Driving
A recent decision from the British Columbia Provincial Court acquitted a driver of using a cellphone while driving. Vancouver Island police were conducting a cellphone and seatbelt safety campaign when they charged a driver with using a cellphone while driving. The driver had been informed by his employer that his cellphone had been equipped with software that disabled it from functioning when it was in a vehicle in motion. At the time he was charged, he had moved it from the passenger seat beside him to the dashboard.
The judge considered the term “use” in both the Motor Vehicles Act and the Use of Electronic Devices While Driving Regulation. Every jurisdiction has its own distracted driving law, so the facts of this case may not be applicable elsewhere.
R. v. Tannhauser, 2018 BCPC 183
h/t What’s hot on CanLII this week.