Summer Rerun – Charterpedia

Summer vacations cut into staff available to write original posts. Over the next few months we’ll be rerunning posts we think you should be reminded of. Enjoy!

The law librarian world is geeking out today over Charterpedia, the federal government’s compilation of analysis and caselaw on the Canadian Charter. It’s like a crowd-sourced annotated Charter, for free!

This Charterpedia provides legal information about the Charter and contains information about the purpose of each section of the Charter, the analysis or test developed through case law in respect of the section, and any particular considerations related to it. Each Charterpedia entry cites relevant case law, and citations to Supreme Court of Canada decisions are hyperlinked whenever possible.

If you don’t have access to a paid annotated Charter product (or even if you do), I’d highly recommend starting with this.

(Originally published Dec 15, 2017)

New Product – Criminal Law Series

We are thrilled to announce additional digital criminal law content available to all members: Emond Publications award-winning Criminal Law series.

Emond’s award-winning Criminal Law Series offers clear, concise guidance on the practical and procedural aspects of criminal law. Ideally suited for members of the criminal bar and judiciary, this collection covers discrete areas of criminal practice, anchored by the expertise of General Editors Brian H. Greenspan and Justice Vincenzo Rondinelli. Most titles are authored by both defence and Crown counsel, lending balance and comprehensiveness to the series.

These e-books are accessible by signing in to the member’s portal, clicking on the “Library Resources” on the left hand navigation panel, and then scrolling to the bottom of the page. Don’t miss out on our other resources there, like, a criminal sentencing digest. Go to our “Legal Ease” page for guides on how to use these products if you have difficulty, or contact us at

Manitoba OmbudsNews

Manitoba OmbudsNews is a quarterly publication highlighting Manitoba Ombudsman’s events and initiatives.

Issue 2019-01 is now available

In this issue:

New Product – American Law Institute Library

Effective April 1, 2019, the library is adding an additional resource to our HeinOnline collection. In addition to the Canada Core Library, we have added the American Law Institute Library.

The American Law Institute is the leading independent organization in the United States producing scholarly work to clarify, modernize, and otherwise improve the law.

The American Law Institute

Instructions on how to access this additional database are included behind the Members’ Portal under “Library Resources”.

More Manitoba Statutes on HeinOnline

Last year HeinOnline completed a major update to Manitoba legislative content on their service; however, it was missing the 1970 revised statutes and the 1987 re-enacted statutes, as well as a few miscellaneous individual annual statutes. We undertook to ensure Hein had the content to add to their collection, so that all lawyers in Manitoba could conduct legislative research from their desktops.

HeinOnline is just one of the resources available to all members of the Law Society of Manitoba behind the members’ portal. If you haven’t used it yet, consult this guide for assistance.

The library will be closing at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11th.  Lawyers can ask Protective Services for access after hours.