Legislative Update


Government Bills

Bill 1 An Act respecting the Administration of Oaths of Office (Formal Bill)

Bill 2 The Public Services Sustainability Repeal Act – repeals The Public Services Sustainability Act (which is unproclaimed) and three other legislative references to it.

Bill 4 The Path to Reconciliation Amendment Act – amends The Path to Reconciliation Act to include references to the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. In addition to the calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the principles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the calls for justice of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls are to guide the Government of Manitoba’s commitment to reconciliation.

Bill 5 The Coat of Arms, Emblems and the Manitoba Tartan Amendment Act – amends The Coat of Arms, Emblems and the Manitoba Tartan Act to add the polar bear as one of the designated mammal emblems of Manitoba. The plains bison was previously designated in 2014.

Bill 7 The Police Services Amendment Act (Enhancing Independent Investigation Unit Operations) – makes a number of amendments to The Police Services Act that deal with the operation of the Independent Investigation Unit (IIU), which is responsible for investigating police officer conduct.

Private Bills

Bill 200The Orange Shirt Day Statutory Holiday Act (Various Acts Amended) – This Bill recognizes Orange Shirt Day, September 30, as a provincial statutory holiday for the purposes of The Employment Standards Code and The Interpretation Act.

Bill 201 The Regional Health Authorities Amendment Act – amends The Regional Health Authorities Act to require annual reports of health authorities to be tabled in the Assembly and referred to the Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development. The Standing Committee must consider each report within 120 days.

Bill 202 The Louis Riel Act – This Bill bestows the honorary title of “First Premier of Manitoba” on Louis Riel. The Bill requires the Manitoba education curriculum to include the significant contributions of Louis Riel.

Bill 203 The Abortion Protest Buffer Zone Act – Access zones are created for clinics and facilities that provide abortion services and for service providers. Certain activities are prohibited within these zones. Certain activities are prohibited on school sites and within 50 metres of school sites.

Bill 204 The Protest Buffer Zone Act (COVID-19 Restrictions) – This Bill establishes The Protest Buffer Zone Act (COVID-19 Restrictions). Buffer zones are created with certain activities prohibited within these buffer zones. 

Bill 205 The Filipino Heritage Month Act – proclaims the month of June of each year as Filipino Heritage Month.

Bill 207 The Criminal Property Forfeiture Amendment Act – Enables the money in the criminal property forfeiture fund to instead go to non-profit community organizations for social programs, such as affordable housing and restorative justice.

Second Reading

Bill 3 The Family Maintenance Amendment Act – replaces Part II of The Family Maintenance Act to establish new rules respecting the parentage of children conceived through assisted reproduction, including where a surrogate is used.

Bill 6 The Workers Compensation Amendment ActThe Workers Compensation Act lists specific illnesses and injuries presumed to be caused by firefighting, unless the contrary is proven. This Bill expands the list to include primary site thyroid, pancreatic, ovarian, cervical and penile cancers.


ChapterTitle     (provisions)Date in forceDate signedProclamation
SM 2021, c. 38The Fair Registration Practices in Regulated Professions Amendment Act (whole Act)13 Dec 202124 Nov 2021Proclamation
SM 2021, c. 30The Reducing Red Tape and Improving Services Act, 2020 (subsections 25(3) and (4))1 Dec 202110 Nov 2021Proclamation
SM 2021, c. 27The Human Rights Code Amendment Act (whole Act)1 Jan 202227 Oct 2021Proclamation
SM 2021, c. 28The Administrative Tribunal Jurisdiction Act (whole Act)1 Jan 202227 Oct 2021Proclamation
SM 2021, c. 36The Planning Amendment and City of Winnipeg Charter Amendment Act (various sections29 Oct 202127 Oct 2021Proclamation

See here for the status of all current bills.

Legislative Update – End of Fall Session

Government Concludes Fall Legislative Session, Focused on Protecting Manitobans, Advancing Manitoba (News Release) – “The fall sitting of the third session of the 42nd legislature has concluded, having completed the final stages of implementing Budget 2021 and passing important legislation to protect and improve the services Manitobans rely on, Premier and government house leader Kelvin Goertzen announced today.”

New Bills


Bill 76 The Coat of Arms, Emblems and the Manitoba Tartan Amendment Act – amends The Coat of Arms, Emblems and the Manitoba Tartan Act to add the polar bear as one of the designated mammal emblems of Manitoba. The plains bison was previously designated in 2014.

Bill 77 The Appropriation Act, 2021

Bill 78 The Loan Act, 2021

Bill 239 The Protest Buffer Zone Act (COVID-19 Restrictions)

Bill 241 The Consumer Protection Amendment and Farm Machinery and Equipment Amendment Act (Right to Repair — Vehicles and Other Equipment) – amends The Consumer Protection Act and The Farm Machinery and Equipment Act. A manufacturer must make the items necessary to maintain and repair its vehicle, farm equipment and machinery available to purchasers and repair businesses at a reasonable price. If a manufacturer does not make the necessary items available, the manufacturer must replace the vehicle, farm equipment or machinery at no charge or refund the purchase price.

See here for that status of all current bills.


ChapterTitle     (provisions)Date in forceDate signedProclamation
SM 2021, c. 30The Reducing Red Tape and Improving Services Act, 2020 (sections 20 and 22 to 24)18 Oct 202113 Oct 2021Proclamation
SM 2021, c. 40The Court Practice and Administration Act (Various Acts Amended) (Part 2)15 Oct 202113 Oct 2021Proclamation
SM 2021, c. 40The Court Practice and Administration Act (Various Acts Amended) (Parts 1 and 3)1 Jan 202213 Oct 2021Proclamation

Legislative Update

The House adjourned on June 1, 2021.

The 3rd Session of the 42nd Legislature will reconvene on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at 1:30 p.m.

Third Session, Forty-Second Legislature

Private Bills


Bill 234 The Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Right to Repair) – amends The Consumer Protection Act. A manufacturer must make the items necessary to maintain and repair its electronic products available to consumers and repair businesses at a reasonable price.

Bill 235 The Scrap Metal Recyclers Act – This Bill establishes The Scrap Metal Recyclers Act. A person must provide personal identification and the source of the scrap metal when they enter into a transaction with a scrap metal recycler. The recycler must keep the identifying information for five years and provide it to the police if required.

Bill 236 The Protecting Communications on Public Interest Matters Act (Court of Queen’s Bench Act and Defamation Act Amended) – amends The Court of Queen’s Bench Act. A defendant may file a motion to dismiss a court proceeding on the ground that the proceeding arose from a communication by the defendant on a matter of public interest. Unless ordered otherwise, the motion stays the court proceeding and any related administrative tribunal proceedings until the motion is decided.
This Bill also amends The Defamation Act. A defendant may rely on the common law defence of qualified privilege even when a communication has been published by the media.

Bill 237 The Elections Amendment Act – amends The Elections Act to require the disclosure of personal financial information by the leader of a political party for a 20-year period.

Bill 238The Apprenticeship and Certification Amendment Act (Apprenticeship Supervision) – amends The Apprenticeship and Certification Act. Currently, the number of apprentices a journeyperson may supervise is set by regulation. This Bill requires a 1 to 1 supervision ratio for most trades.

Check here for the current status of all bills.

Legislative Update

Third Session, Forty-Second Legislature

Government Bills


Bill 72 The Disability Support Act and Amendments to The Manitoba Assistance Act – creates a new support framework for individuals living with a severe and prolonged disability who have no other adequate means of support. Individuals can apply for basic disability support payments as well as shelter assistance. The Act also allows for additional discretionary support payments in special cases.

2nd Reading

Bill 71 The Education Property Tax Reduction Act (Property Tax and Insulation Assistance Act and Income Tax Act Amended)Hansard Debate


Bill 3 The Public Service Act
Bill 5 The Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act (Cannabis Social Responsibility Fee)
Bill 6 The Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act
Bill 8 The Pension Benefits Amendment Act
Bill 10 The Regional Health Authorities Amendment Act (Health System Governance and Accountability)
Bill 11 The Workplace Safety and Health Amendment Act
Bill 12 The Crown Land Dispositions Act (Various Acts Amended)
Bill 13 The Public Sector Construction Projects (Tendering) Act
Bill 15 The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act (Claim Dispute Tribunal)
Bill 17 The Drivers and Vehicles Amendment Act
Bill 18 The Workers Compensation Amendment Act
Bill 20 The Vehicle Technology Testing Act (Various Acts Amended)
Bill 21 The Conflict of Interest (Members and Ministers) and Related Amendments Act
Bill 22 The Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Amendment Act
Bill 23 The Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Control of Traffic by Flag Persons)
Bill 25 The Municipal Statutes Amendment Act
Bill 26 The Human Rights Code Amendment Act
Bill 27 The Administrative Tribunal Jurisdiction Act
Bill 28 The Water Resources Administration Amendment Act
Bill 29 The Reducing Red Tape and Improving Services Act, 2020
Bill 30The Consumer Protection Amendment Act
Bill 32  The Election Financing Amendment and Elections Amendment Act (Government Advertising)
Bill 33  The Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act
Bill 34  The University College of the North Amendment Act
Bill 36 The Public Health Amendment Act (Food Safety and Other Amendments)
Bill 37 The Planning Amendment and City of Winnipeg Charter Amendment Act
Bill 38 The Building and Electrical Permitting Improvement Act (Various Acts Amended and Permit Dispute Resolution Act Enacted)
Bill 41 The Fair Registration Practices in Regulated Professions Amendment Act
Bill 45 The Public Schools Amendment and Manitoba Teachers’ Society Amendment Act
Bill 46 The Court Practice and Administration Act (Various Acts Amended)
Bill 47 The Early Learning and Child Care Act
Bill 48   The Fiscal Responsibility and Taxpayer Protection Amendment Act
Bill 49   The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Amendment Act
Bill 51   The Limitations Act
Bill 52   The Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2021
Bill 53   The Municipal Statutes Amendment Act (2)
Bill 54   The Personal Health Information Amendment Act
Bill 55   The Reducing Red Tape and Improving Services Act, 2021
Bill 56   The Smoking and Vapour Products Control Amendment Act
Bill 58   The Criminal Property Forfeiture Amendment Act
Bill 60   The Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act (2)
Bill 61   The Apprenticeship and Certification Amendment Act
Bill 62   The Animal Diseases Amendment Act
Bill 63   The Petty Trespasses Amendment and Occupiers’ Liability Amendment Act
Bill 67 The Public Health Amendment Act PDF SM 2021, c. 3
Bill 71    The Education Property Tax Reduction Act (Property Tax and Insulation Assistance Act and Income Tax Act Amended)

Private Bills


Bill 229 The Restriction on Material Accompanying Government Cheques Act – prohibits the name, image or title of a Cabinet minister from being used on any material included with a cheque mailed by the government or a government agency.
Bill 232 The Emancipation Day Act proclaims August 1 of each year as Emancipation Day.
Bill 233 The Filipino Heritage Month Act proclaims the month of June of each year as Filipino Heritage Month.

2nd Reading

Bill 222 The Lobbyists Registration Amendment Act


Bill 213 The Reporting of Supports for Child Survivors of Sexual Assault Act (Trained Health Professionals and Evidence Collection Kits)
Bill 223 The Spirit Bear Day Act

Check here for the current status of all bills.

Legislative Update

Third Session, Forty-Second Legislature

Government Bills


Bill 14 The Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2020 PDF
Bill 19 The Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2020 (2) PDF
Bill 24 The Legal Profession Amendment Act PDF
Bill 31 The Horse Racing Regulatory Modernization Act (Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act and Pari-Mutuel Levy Act Amended) PDF
Bill 50 The Legal Aid Manitoba Amendment Act PDF
Bill 73 The Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (COVID-19 Vaccination Leave)

Private Bills


Bill 230 The Labour Relations Amendment Act (2) – amends The Labour Relations Act to enable a unionized employee to direct that the portion of their union dues that would otherwise be used for political purposes be donated to a registered charity.

In Committee

Bill 223 The Spirit Bear Day Act

Check here for the current status of all bills.

Legislative Update

Third Session, Forty-Second Legislature


Bill 220 The Transportation Infrastructure Amendment Act – amends The Transportation Infrastructure Act to add a requirement that the minister establish standards for clearing snow from provincial roads. These standards must meet the minimum requirements set out in a schedule to the Act and must be published.


Bill 4 The Retail Business Hours of Operation Act (Various Acts Amended or Repealed)

Bill 7 The Planning Amendment Act

Bill 9 The Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act

Bill 42 The Remote Witnessing and Commissioning Act (Various Acts Amended)

Bill 208 The Wildlife Amendment Act (Protecting Property from Water and Wildlife Damage)

Bill 211 The Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Unpaid Leave for Reservists)

Bill 218 The Somali Heritage Week Act

Bill 300 The United Church of Canada Amendment Act

Bill 301 The Winnipeg Humane Society Foundation Incorporation Amendment Act

See here for the status of all current bills.


SM 2015, c. 45 The Real Estate Services Act (whole Act) proclaimed to come into force on January 1, 2022.

SM 2018, c. 7 The Community Child Care Standards Amendment Act (Enhanced Powers Respecting Governance and Accountability) (whole Act) proclaimed to come into force on January 1, 2021.

SM 2020, c. 21 The Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (Schedule B — The Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation Reorganization Act, section 8) proclaimed in force on February 1, 2021.

Click here for the current status of bills.

The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Louis Riel Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th at 8:30 a.m.