Bill 72 The Disability Support Act and Amendments to The Manitoba Assistance Act – creates a new support framework for individuals living with a severe and prolonged disability who have no other adequate means of support. Individuals can apply for basic disability support payments as well as shelter assistance. The Act also allows for additional discretionary support payments in special cases.
Bill 230 The Labour Relations Amendment Act (2) – amends The Labour Relations Act to enable a unionized employee to direct that the portion of their union dues that would otherwise be used for political purposes be donated to a registered charity.
Bill 72 The Disability Support Act and Amendments to The Manitoba Assistance Act – creates a new support framework for individuals living with a severe and prolonged disability who have no other adequate means of support. Individuals can apply for basic disability support payments as well as shelter assistance. The Act also allows for additional discretionary support payments in special cases.
Municipalities impose property taxes that include the amounts they are required by The Public Schools Act to raise for school purposes. These are commonly referred to as school taxes. A levy is imposed, in lieu of school taxes, on the incremental assessed value of properties designated under The Community Revitalization Tax Increment Financing Act as community revitalization properties. For the purpose of this note, “school taxes” includes the community revitalization levy.
This Bill is designed to reduce school taxes by means of a system of rebates.
Bill 223 The Spirit Bear Day Act – This Bill proclaims May 10 of each year as Spirit Bear Day.
Bill 225 The Budget Impact Reporting Act – The Minister of Finance must report on the effects of the government’s budget decisions on economic and social inclusion and greenhouse gas emissions in Manitoba.
Bill 226 The Red Tape Reduction Day Act – This Bill proclaims the third Tuesday in September of each year as Red Tape Reduction Day.
Historical legal research is now even easier thanks to an updated legislation comparison tool from CanLII.
Users can now select two versions of an act from Federal and Provincial legislation to see what text has been changed between them. Simply click on “Versions”, choose two versions, and hit “Compare”.
Scroll through the text side by side to quickly note any differences. Text will be highlighted in red and green to show what has been removed and added.
The font and formatting of each act has also been standardized to make it easier to compare. CanLII also automatically hides any large sections of unchanged text, so scrolling and loading times are now quicker.
Try it out yourself, or learn more about this handy tool on the CanLII Blog.
The Manitoba Government has released its 2021 budget which includes spending on COVID-19 relief and health care, changes to child care and education, and reducing property taxes and PST on certain retail.
The Manitoba Law Library would like to acknowledge with gratitude that we are situated on Treaty One Territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree and Dakota peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.
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