In Canada, child support is calculated using regulations called child support guidelines. They are a set of rules and tables used to determine child support amounts. The Federal Child Support Guidelines (Federal Guidelines) are regulations under the Divorce Act that apply when parents divorce or are divorced. There are also provincial and territorial child support guidelines that apply when married parents separate but do not divorce, or when the parents were never married to each other. This survey focuses on the Federal Guidelines.
The purpose of this survey is to obtain views on possible changes to the Federal Guidelines. This information will assist the Department of Justice Canada with its ongoing legal policy work. In particular, survey questions focus on two areas of the Federal Guidelines:
Determining child support amounts in shared parenting time arrangements and
Compliance with income disclosure obligations.
We encourage you to forward the survey link to other parents and/or professionals who work in the area of family law so we can reach as many people as possible.
The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Note that you will have the opportunity to save the survey and return to it at a later time. You will have the option of either saving the link or receiving an email with the link to your survey responses. If you would like a PDF copy of the survey for accessibility purposes, please contact us at:
Please note that your participation will remain anonymous.
Au Canada, les pensions alimentaires pour enfants sont calculées à l’aide de règlements appelés lignes directrices sur les pensions alimentaires pour enfants. Il s’agit d’un ensemble de règles et de tables utilisées pour déterminer les montants des pensions alimentaires pour enfants. Les Lignes directrices fédérales sur les pensions alimentaires pour enfants (Lignes directrices fédérales) sont des règlements pris en vertu de la Loi sur le divorce qui s’appliquent lorsque les parents divorcent ou sont divorcés. Il existe également des lignes directrices provinciales et territoriales sur les pensions alimentaires pour enfants qui s’appliquent lorsque les parents mariés se séparent mais ne divorcent pas, ou lorsque les parents n’ont jamais été mariés l’un à l’autre. Ce sondage porte sur les Lignes directrices fédérales.
L’objectif de ce sondage est d’obtenir des points de vue sur les modifications qui pourraient être apportées aux Lignes directrices fédérales. Cette information aidera le ministère de la Justice du Canada dans son travail continu en matière d’élaboration de politiques juridiques. Plus précisément, les questions du sondage portent sur deux domaines des Lignes directrices fédérales :
Calcul des montants des pensions alimentaires pour enfants dans le cadre des arrangements de temps parental partagé ;
Respect des obligations de divulgation du revenu.
Nous vous encourageons à transmettre le lien du sondage à d’autres parents et/ou professionnels qui travaillent dans le domaine du droit de la famille afin que nous puissions rejoindre le plus grand nombre de personnes possible.
Il vous faudra environ 15 minutes pour répondre au sondage. Notez que vous aurez la possibilité d’enregistrer le sondage et d’y revenir ultérieurement. Vous aurez la possibilité d’enregistrer le lien ou de recevoir un e-mail contenant le lien vers vos réponses à l’enquête. Si vous souhaitez obtenir une copie PDF du sondage à des fins d’accessibilité, veuillez communiquer avec nous à l’adresse suivante:
Veuillez noter que votre participation restera anonyme.
Crown Does Not Authorize Charges Following Passenger Bus Collision Near Carberry June 26, 2024 – Manitoba Prosecution Services (MPS) advises that after careful consideration no charges have been authorized against the driver of a passenger bus involved in a collision with a semi-truck at an intersection on the Trans-Canada Highway near Carberry on June 15, 2023.
The Legislative Assembly of Manitoba
First Session, Forty-Third Legislature
Government Bills
Bill 38An Act Respecting Child and Family Services (Indigenous Jurisdiction and Other Amendments)/Loi concernant les services à l’enfant et à la famille (champ de compétence autochtone et autres modifications) –
Child and Family Services Act
Amendments to this Act include the following:
A preamble is added to the Act and the Declaration of Principles is repealed in light of the principles that were added to the Act in 2023.
The director and agencies must facilitate the transition to Indigenous service providers for Indigenous children and families.
For the purpose of critical incident reporting, the definition of “critical incident” is changed so that it applies to young adults only if they (and not their family) received services from an agency within a year before a serious injury or death.
A person who believes that an Indigenous child might need protection may report the matter to an Indigenous service provider.
An agency that receives information that a child might need protection may refer the matter for investigation to an applicable Indigenous service provider or investigate the matter in collaboration with that service provider.
An adult who was alleged to have been abused as a child must not be compelled to testify at a hearing about an objection to the entry of their alleged abuser’s name in the child abuse registry.
For the purpose of a hearing, a judge or associate judge may order that an Indigenous service provider be substituted for an agency that apprehended a child.
A judge or associate judge may appoint a consenting Indigenous service provider as the guardian of a child.
An Indigenous service provider with permanent guardianship of a child may apply to court for an order terminating the guardianship.
Child and Family Services Authorities Act
Amendments to this Act include the following:
An authority must facilitate the transition to Indigenous service providers for Indigenous children and families.
The minister may designate an agency, or vary a geographic region, for the purpose of providing joint intake and emergency services if it is necessary because an Indigenous governing body exercises jurisdiction over child and family services.
The Metis Authority is disestablished on a date to be fixed by proclamation.
Vital Statistics Act
This Act is amended to allow
an Indigenous service provider to apply for a birth certificate, a certified copy of a birth registration and, when required for a court proceeding, a certificate of birth registration search; and
a person applying for a guardianship or parenting order to apply for a certificate of birth registration search.
Bill 5The Adult Literacy Act/Loi surl’alphabétisation des adultesSM 2024, c. 3
Bill 6The Manitoba Assistance Amendment Act/Loi modifiant la Loi sur les allocations d’aide du ManitobaSM 2024, c. 4
Bill 8 The Safe Access to Abortion Services Act/Loi sur l’accès sécuritaire aux services d’interruption volontaire de grossesseSM 2024, c. 5
Bill 10The Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act/Loi modifiant la Loi sur l’administration de l’enseignement postsecondaireSM 2024, c. 6
Bill 11The Statutes and Regulations Amendment and Interpretation Amendment Act/Loi modifiant la Loi sur les textes législatifs et réglementaires et la Loi d’interprétationSM 2024, c. 7
Bill 13The Emergency Medical Response and Stretcher Transportation Amendment Act/Loi modifiant la Loi sur les interventions médicales d’urgence et le transport pour personnes sur civièreSM 2024, c. 8
Bill 14The Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2024/Loi corrective de 2024SM 2024, c. 9
Bill 15The Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Amendment Act/Loi modifiant la Loi sur les caisses populaires et les credit unionsSM 2024, c. 10
Bill 17The Workplace Safety and Health Amendment Act/Loi modifiant la Loi sur la sécurité et l’hygiène du travailSM 2024, c. 11
Bill 18The Community Child Care Standards Amendment Act/Loi modifiant la Loi sur la garde d’enfantsSM 2024, c. 12
Bill 19The Drivers and Vehicles Amendment Act/Loi modifiant la Loi sur les conducteurs et les véhiculesSM 2024, c. 13
Bill 20The Highway Traffic Amendment Act/Loi modifiant le Code de la routeSM 2024, c. 14
Bill 22The Celebration of Nigerian Independence Day Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended)/Loi sur la Journée de la célébration de l’indépendance du Nigeria (modification de la Loi sur les journées, les semaines et les mois commémoratifs)SM 2024, c. 15
Bill 23The Change of Name Amendment Act (2)/Loi no 2 modifiant la Loi sur le changement de nom SM 2024, c. 16
Bill 24The Intimate Image Protection Amendment Act (Distribution of Fake Intimate Images)/Loi modifiant la Loi sur la protection des images intimes (distribution de fausses images intimes)SM 2024, c. 17
Bill 29The Body Armour and Fortified Vehicle Control Amendment Act/Loi modifiant la Loi sur le contrôle des gilets de protection balistique et des véhicules blindésSM 2024, c. 18
Bill 30The Unexplained Wealth Act (Criminal Property Forfeiture Act and Corporations Act Amended)/Loi sur les richesses inexpliquées (modification de la Loi sur la confiscation de biens obtenus ou utilisés criminellement et de la Loi sur les corporations)SM 2024, c. 19
Bill 31 The Captured Carbon Storage Act/Loi sur le stockage de carbone captéSM 2024, c. 20
Bill 33The Change of Name Amendment Act (3)/Loi no 3 modifiant la Loi sur le changement de nomSM 2024, c. 21
Bill 34 The Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act/Loi modifiant la Loi sur la réglementation des alcools, des jeux et du cannabisSM 2024, c. 22
Bill 36The Regulated Health Professions Amendment Act/Loi modifiant la Loi sur les professions de la santé réglementéesSM 2024, c. 23
Private Members’ – Public Bills
Bill 201The Manitoba Emblems Amendment Act (Provincial Stone)/Loi modifiant la Loi sur les emblèmes du Manitoba (désignation de la pierre provinciale)SM 2024, c. 24
Bill 202The Community Foundation Day Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended)/Loi sur la Journée des fondations communautaires (modification de la Loi sur les journées, les semaines et les mois commémoratifs)SM 2024, c. 25
Bill 207 The Islamic Heritage Month Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended)/Loi sur le Mois du patrimoine islamique (modification de la Loi sur les journées, les semaines et les mois commémoratifs)SM 2024, c. 26
Bill 208The Two-Spirit and Transgender Day of Visibility Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended)/Loi sur la Journée de visibilité bispirituelle et transgenre (modification de la Loi sur les journées, les semaines et les mois commémoratifs)SM 2024, c. 27
Bill 211The Drivers and Vehicles Amendment Act (Manitoba Parks Licence Plates)/Loi modifiant la Loi sur les conducteurs et les véhicules (plaques d’immatriculation des parcs du Manitoba)SM 2024, c. 28
Bill 212The Asian Heritage Month Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended)/Loi sur le Mois du patrimoine asiatique (modification de la Loi sur les journées, les semaines et les mois commémoratifs)SM 2024, c. 29
King’s Bench Rule 19.02(4) (as modified by Rule 19.09) provides that a party who has been noted in default need not be served with any document in the action, except where the court orders otherwise. Where a party has been noted in default and another party moves before a judge for judgment against the party in default, it should be anticipated that service of the motion for default judgment will be required in most circumstances where the claim is not for a liquidated amount. Where a liquidated amount is claimed, the presiding judge may still exercise their discretion to require service depending on the nature of the claim and evidence in support of damages. It is anticipated that related rule changes may result.
King’s Bench Rule 59.03(1) provides that any party affected by an order may prepare a draft of the formal order and shall, unless otherwise ordered by the court, send it to all other parties represented at the hearing for approval of its form.
Effective immediately, where a party is represented by counsel, unless directed otherwise by the court, counsel’s approval of the form of the draft formal order may be indicated by any of the following:
Original, copy, or digital signature of counsel indicating their consent to the form of order; or
A written representation by counsel who prepared the draft of the formal order certifying that all counsel consent to the form of order.
The Law Society of Manitoba (in conjunction with the law societies of Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan and the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society) is seeking feedback on the types of training and mentoring articling students are receiving, issues related to discrimination or harassment and how prepared articling students feel to practice law in the 21st century.
The surveys take approximately 15 minutes to complete and your survey responses are anonymous and confidential.
The surveys will remain open until Thursday, June 20, 2024.
2019 Survey Results
In Manitoba, the survey was completed by 83 articling students and 48 principals, recruiters and mentors. The survey revealed several key findings regarding the articling experiences. To learn more download the final report by clicking the link below.
The Manitoba Law Library would like to acknowledge with gratitude that we are situated on Treaty One Territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree and Dakota peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.
Printing and Photocopying
If you need to use the library’s printing and photocopying services you will need to create an account. See us at the front desk for assistance.
PLEASE NOTE:The Manitoba Law Library will be closed Monday,September 30th, 2024 for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Regular library service will resume Tuesday,October 1st, 2024 at 8:30AM.