New Book Display: Impaired Driving

We’ve put together a display of relevant resources on impaired driving both physical, and electronic to help you and your clients in the New Year. 

Books in the library:

desLibris (Behind the Law Society of Manitoba Member’s Portal)


  • Segal’s Motor Vehicle and Impaired Driving Newsletter
  • Impaired Driving NetLetter

*Newsletter distribution service is only offered to member’s of the Law Society of Manitoba.

To take out one of these books, please see a staff member.

Upcoming CPD – Considering Cannabis

January 10, 2019 – Considering Cannabis: Cannabis Legalization and Impacts in the Workplace

The legalization of recreational cannabis brings with it a multitude of issues for employers to address. Experienced labour and employment lawyer Tracey L. Epp, Pitblado LLP, will provide a fascinating review of the legal status of cannabis in Canada from its criminalization early in the last century, to the introduction of medical cannabis in 2001, to the recent legalization of recreational cannabis under the federal Cannabis Act. She will also briefly describe the provincial framework for regulating retail cannabis sales in Manitoba.

The program will explore key issues from an employment perspective particularly with respect to the need for workplace policies that address the use of recreational cannabis both on and off-duty, fitness for work, impairment and the designation of safety sensitive positions. Ms. Epp will also provide a refresher on medical cannabis and relevant employer considerations such as the duty to accommodate and health benefits plan coverage.

If you are an employer or you provide legal advice to employers, this program is not to be missed.

Presenter: Tracey L. Epp, Pitblado LLP

Registration Fee:
Lawyer – $95.00 (plus GST)
Student – $47.50 (plus GST) ~ 50%  Discount
Registration fee includes materials and lunch

Webinar Registration Fee: $65 plus GST (includes materials sent electronically) 
Registrants will receive an email prior to January 10 with detailed instructions on how to connect.

Eligibility For CPD Hours: This program may be reported for up to 2 hours of eligible CPD activity.

Considering Cannabis – CPD Series Addressing the Legalization of Cannabis

The federal government’s legalization of non-medical (recreational) cannabis on October 17, 2018, marks the end of a 95-year prohibition in Canada. The magnitude of this change on a societal level is yet to be determined and understood, but lawyers are already grappling with the legal rules and ramifications of legalization. In its continuing professional development (CPD) series Considering Cannabis, the Law Society of Manitoba will offer programs addressing the legalization of cannabis from a variety of legal perspectives.

Our first program in the series features RCMP Sergeant Mark Hume who will speak about the extensive changes to the transportation provisions of the Criminal Code, with a focus on the sections relating to drug-impaired driving. This CPD  Reforms to Transportation Offences and Drug-Impaired Driving Offences takes place this Thursday, November 22, and registration for in-person or webinar  attendance is still available.

Coming up next in the series, on January 10, 2019, Tracey L. Epp, Pitblado LLP  will review the workplace impacts of cannabis legalization, including the need for employers to amend existing policies to address the use of recreational cannabis.

Please watch for further updates about Considering Cannabis programs to come in 2019.

New Display: The Legalization of Cannabis in Canada

With the official legalization of cannabis across Canada on October 17, 2018 we decided to compile some resources to help you and your clients navigate the new and important changes to the Provincial and Federal Legislation.

Manitoba Resources                        

Legislation Changes*

The Cannabis Harm Prevention Act (Various Acts Amended) S.M. 2017, c. 22

The Child Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking Act C.C.S.M. c. C94

The Drivers and Vehicles Act C.C.S.M. c. D104

The Highway Traffic Act C.C.S.M. c. H60

The Mental Health Act C.C.S.M. c. M110

The Smoking and Vapour Products Control Act, C.C.S.M. c. S150

The Off-Road Vehicles Act C.C.S.M. c. O31

The Public Schools Act C.C.S.M. c. P250

Web Resources

Cannabis in Manitoba

Manitoba Laws

Federal Resources

Legislation Changes*

The Cannabis Act

Criminal Code

Controlled Drugs and Substances Act

Web Resources

Cannabis Laws and Regulations

Frequently Asked Questions: Drug-Impaired Driving Laws

Cannabis in Canada: Get the Facts


Wigmore on Cannabis by James G. Wigmore (Available to Members of the Law Society of Manitoba on desLibris behind the Member’s Portal.)

*This is a small list of recent legislation changes that have changed with the legalization of Cannabis in Canada. This is not a complete list of legislation changes and is current to October 17, 2018.

The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Louis Riel Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th at 8:30 a.m.