by Allyssa McFadyen | Jun 8, 2018 | Access to Justice, Wills and Estates
On June 18th the Winnipeg Public Library in conjunction with Community Legal Education Association is hosting a free session on Wills at the Windsor Park branch.

Lawyer Marvin Giesbrecht, of St. Mary’s Law LLP will be speaking about what a will is, what it does, and what to include in your will.
Registration is required. For more information click HERE.
In keeping with this theme, we have created a display of relevant titles available here in the library.
Titles are:
If you’re looking to take out any of these books, please see a staff member. (48 hour loan period).
by Allyssa McFadyen | Jun 4, 2018 | Access to Justice, Public Legal Education, Wills and Estates
On Thursday June 7th the Winnipeg Public Library in conjunction with Community Legal Education Association is hosting a free session on Estates as part of their Law in the Library series.

During the session they will discuss topics such as duties of an executor, what needs to be probated, and issues regarding wills.
Registration is required. For more information click HERE.
In keeping with this theme, we have created a display of relevant titles available here in the library.
Titles are:
If you’re looking to take out any of these books, please see a staff member. (48 hour loan period).
by Allyssa McFadyen | Apr 23, 2018 | Legal Research, Wills and Estates

From April 23rd to the 27th, various events involving writing wills, health care directives, understanding the power and role of “Power of Attorney”, and more will be happening around Winnipeg! If you’d like to find out more information about Will Week and the events happening, please see this page at The Winnipeg Foundation.
Here at the library, we’re hosting a display featuring our most up-to-date and informative texts on the subject of writing wills, which we hope will be a huge benefit to our members who may encounter some interesting questions from clients in the coming weeks on this subject!
These texts are as follows:
- Capacity and Undue Influence by John E. S. Poyser
- Waters’ Law of Trusts in Canada, 4th ed., edited by D. W. M. Waters
- Oosterhoff on Wills, 8th ed., by Albert H. Oosterhoff
- Drafting Wills in Canada: A Lawyer’s Practical Guide, 2nd ed., Robyn Solnik et al
- The Law of Dependants’ Relief in Canada by Cameron Harvey
- Manitoba CPLED Program 2016-2017: Wills and Estates
- Feeney’s Canadian Law of Wills, 4th ed., (looseleaf) by James MacKenzie
If you would like to take out any of these texts, please feel free to contact our staff.
by Allyssa McFadyen | Apr 6, 2018 | Commentary, Journals, Wills and Estates
Vol. 37, No. 1 of the Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal has just arrived.
From the Law Reports
- Release of Lawyer’s Will File by Kimberly Kuntz and Louise Hamill
- Disputes over Parental Care when the Dutiful Child wants to be Paid by Ruth M. Corbin and Barry S. Corbin
- Testamentary Freedom and Public Policy in Canada by Ed Esposto
- Conflict of Laws and the Right of a Minor or Minor’s Guardian to Payment/Transfer of a Movable Gift by Will by K. Thomas Grozinger
- Pension Fund Investment and Climate Change: A Legal Imperative by Krupa Kotecha
Practice Note
- More on 104(24): when are amounts “payable” “to” a beneficiary? by Joel Nitikman
If you would like to receive a copy of any of these articles, please contact the us at
by Karen Sawatzky | Jan 25, 2018 | Law Society Publications, Legal Research, Property Law, Wills and Estates
Update 90, January 2018 has been published. Contents include:
- Equity Enforces Promises That the Law Does Not: Cowper-Smith v. Morgan, SCC
- Courts Play a Critical Role in Safeguarding Treaty Rights: SCC
- Land Titles and Personal Property Registry Changes: Notices and Directives
- Recommended Reading
- STEP Programs
I found the Cowper-Smith decision of personal interest. When families no longer live close to aging parents, one sibling can be required to take on more caretaking duties than others, and there should be a way to guarantee recognition for this, especially, as in this case, where an oral agreement was in place.
by Karen Sawatzky | Jan 5, 2018 | Commentary, Journals, Wills and Estates
Vol. 37, No. 1 of the Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal has just arrived.
From the Legislature
- RESPs and the Deceased Subscriber by Lorraine Allard and Bernadette Dietrich
- The Modernization of Trustee Law in Atlantic Canada by Sarah Dykema
- Foreign Guardians of Property and the Ontario Substitute Decisions Act by Matthew Furrow
- Multiple Wills in British Columbia by Geoffrey W. White
- Multiple Wills in Alberta by Nancy Golding
- Multiple Wills in Saskatchewan by Karen Crellin
- Multiple Wills in Manitoba by K. Eleanor Wiebe
- Multiple Wills in Ontario by Marni M.K. Whitaker
- The Use of Multiple Wills as an Estate Planning Technique in Atlantic Canada by Timothy C. Matthews and Gerald S. McMackin
- Informal Fiduciary Accounting: Who, What, When, Where and Why by Susannah B. Roth
- Quebec: “La Fente” or Legal Devolution to Relatives of the Half-Blood by Marilyn Piccini Roy
Practice Notes
- Ontario and the Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition by K. Thomas Grozinger
- Whose Claim is it Anyway: Who is Entitled to Assert and Settle a Claim with Respect to a Pension Benefits Act Deemed Trust? by Andrea Boctor
If you would like to receive a copy of any of these articles, please contact the library at