New articles from the following journals are now available for Law Society members upon request. For a pdf copy of these or other legal journal articles email us at
Canadian Family Law Quarterly. Vol. 40
Yousef Aly Wahb. Faith-Based Divorce Proceedings: Alternative Dispute Resolutions for Canadian Muslims
Stephanie Dickson, Melanie Battaglia. Child Support for Adult Children and Children with a Disability: The Impact of ODSP, the Disability Tax Credit, RDSP and RESP
Rachel Birnbaum, Nicholas Bala. High Conflict Parenting Cases and the Role of State-Funded Agencies in Ontario
Vanessa Lam. Determining the V-Date: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, When Can I Stop Sharing Property with You?
Intellectual Property Journal, Vol 34
Lindsay Paquette. Bill C-15 and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Proposal for Intellectual Property Law Reform in Canada for the Protection, Preservation and Prosperity of Indigenous Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expression.
Muhammand Zaheer Abbas. Revisiting Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime in Response to COVID-19: A Review of the Legislation and Its Underlying Objectives.
David Vaver. User Rights in Canadian Copyright Law.
Luca Vaez Tehrani. The Modern Library: Ramifications of Controlled Digital Lending on Copyright.
Aviv Gaon. Law and Reputation: How the Legal System Shapes Behavior by ProducingInformation, Roy Shapira (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2020).
Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law, Vol. 16
Steven Chaplin. Review of: Tom McDowell, Neoliberal Parliamentarism: The Decline of Parliament at the Ontario Legislature (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021)
Gregory Tardi. Election 44: Connecting the Dots
Charlie Feldman. Much Ado about Parliamentary Review
Gregory Tardi. Including Emerging Litigation Comprenant Les Litiges en Voie de Développement
Priya Dube. The Role of Law in Settling Political Disputes: York University v. Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (Access Copyright), 2021 SCC 32
Gregory Tardi. Review of: Stephen Breyer The Authority of the Court and the Perils of Politics (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2021)
Robin Ketcheson. Unwriting the Unwritten Principles of the Electoral System
Susan Keenan. Questions of Central Importance: The Supreme Court’s Diceyan Reserve
Jena Karim. Statecraft and Recognition of the Taliban: Crux of Taliban Governance and the Potential Impacts of Recognition
Professor Stephen I. Vladeck. Reforming the U.S. Supreme Court by Reforming Its Docket
Dr. Ronnie R. F. Yearwood. Barbados’ Transition to a Republic: ‘Republic in Name First, Constitutional Reform after’, ‘Stuff and Nonsense!’
J.W.J. Bowden. What’s in a Name? Newfoundland & Labrador and the Constitution Amendment, 2001
Caitlin Salvino. A Tool of the ‘Last Resort’: A Comprehensive Account of the Notwithstanding Clause Political Use from 1982-2021
Kioko Nzuki Mwania. The Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Culture in Kenya
Mohammad Pizuar Hossain. Repatriation of the Rohingya Refugees: Geopolitics and the Potential Role of the International Court of Justice
Dave Guénette. Recensement de: Christophe Parent L’État des Fédérations (Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2019) 2 Tomes
Julien Fournier. Recensement de: Yan Campagnolo Le Secret Ministériel. Théorie et Pratique (Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2020)
McGill Law Journal, Vol. 66
Bethany Hastie. (Re)Discovering the Promise of Fraser? Labour Pluralism and Freedom of Association
Amitpal C. Singh. The Body as Me and Mine: The Case for Property Rights in Attached Body Parts
Marc-Antoine Gervais. Les Impasses Théoriques et Pratiques du Contrôle de Constitutionnalité Canadien
Daniele Bertolini. Unpacking Entire Agreement Clauses: On the (Elusive) Search for Contractually Induced Formalism in Contractual Adjudication
National Journal of Constitutional Law, Vol. 42
Professor René Provost. Remedies for Human Rights Violations–A Two-Track Approach to Supra-National and National Law (Cambridge University Press, 2021, xlix-581pp.)
Kent Roach. Principled versus Rule or Text-Based Discretion in Charter Remedies: Conseil Scolaire, Ontario (Attorney General) v. G and Albashir
Danielle Pinard. La Temporalité des Jugements D’inconstitutionnalité des Lois au Canada: Les Mesures D’atténuation Prises à L’égard de Leur Rétroactivité et de Leur Caractère Immédiatement Exécutoire
Ottawa Law Review, Vol. 51
Le Très Honorable Richard Wagner, C.P., The Right Honourable Richard Wagner, P.C., Juge en Chef du Canada , Chief Justice of Canada. Allocution du Récipiendaire de Doctorat Honorifique | Speech of the Recipient of the Honorary Doctorate
Paul Daly. Plural Public Law | Un Droit Public Pluriel
Nicolas Lambert. Effective Remediation in Public Procurement: Contract Damages versus Judicial Review
Mari Galloway. The Unwritten Constitutional Principles and Environmental Justice: A New Way Forward?
Maureen Irish. The Review of International Commercial Arbitral Awards and the New York Convention: Breaking the Link to Administrative Law
Isabel Grant, Crystal Choi, Debra Parkes. The Meaning of Life: A Study of the Use of Parole Ineligibility for Murder Sentencing
Jamie Cameron. The Tenth Justice: Judicial Appointments, Marc Nadon, and the Supreme Court Act Reference by Carissima Mathen & Michael Plaxton
Robert Hamilton, Joshua Nichols. Reconciliation and the Straitjacket: A Comparative Analysis of the Secession Reference and R v Sparrow
Andrew Leach. Environmental Policy is Economic Policy: Climate Change Policy and the General Trade and Commerce Power
Abra Martin. Mikisew Cree: A Lost Opportunity for Doctrinal Clarity on Constitutional Principles
Carys Craig, Ian Kerr. The Death of the AI Author
Stéphane Sérafin. Les Positivismes Juridiques Au XXe Siècle: Normativismes, Sociologismes, Réalismes de Maxime St-Hilaire
Hugo Tremblay. Perspectives Critiques Sur le Droit de l’Environnement Face à l’Anthropocène
Virginia Torrie. Aspiration and Reality in Legal Education de David Sandomierski
Gabriel Poliquin, Ph.D. LL.B. L’art de Juger de l’Honorable Louis LeBel, Sous la Direction de Bjarne Melkevik
Michel Morin. Le Secret Ministériel: Théorie et Pratique de Yan Campagnolo
Lori Hausegger, Troy Riddell. Judges on Judging in Canadian Appellate Courts: The Role of Legal and Extra-Legal Factors on Decision-Making
Léonid Sirota. Immuring Dicey’s Ghost: The Senate Reform Reference and Constitutional Conventions
Dan Priel. “That Is Not How the Common Law Works”: Paths to Tort Liability for Harassment
Kristen Thomasen. Robots, Regulation, and the Changing Nature of Public Space
New articles from these journals are now available for Law Society members upon request. For a pdf copy of these or other legal journal articles email us at
Estates Trusts & Pensions Journal, Vol. 41
From the law reports
Roger Lee. Case Comment: Pirani v. Pirani.
from the legislatures
Samantha Nault. Finding the Middle Ground: What Substantial Compliance Means for Ontario.
Aubrie Girou & Catherine Bunio. B.C. Bill-21 and Electronic Wills: Progressive or Problematic?
Christopher J. Marr. New Brunswick’s Enduring Powers of Attorney Act: One Year Later.
Carol Liu. Looking Beyond the Crystal Ball: How Crypto-Wills and Digital Assets Can Change Wills and Estate Planning.
Joel Nitikman. Can a Charity Charge for Filet Mignon?
Ken Vimalesan. Occupational Rent.
Canadian Criminal Law Review, Vol. 26
Yves-Marie Morisette. A Personal Perspective on Judgment Writing.
Maxime Bérubé, Sophie Allard, Vincent Denault. Ensuring the Probative Value of Web Searches as Digital Evidence.
Hugues Parent. La Constitutionnalité de L’Article 33.1 du Code Criminel: Analyse et Commentaires.
Criminal Law Quarterly, Vol. 70
Kent W. Roach. Sexual Assault Law.
Hamish Stewart. The Fault Element of Sexual Assault.
Nick Kaschuk. Intoxication, Sexual Assault, and Consent.
Michael Plaxton. Sexual Assault’s Strangely Intractable Fault Problem.
Noor Sohail. The Probative Value of Sexual History Evidence and the 2019 Trilogy.
Samuel Mazzuca. Regulating the Admissibility & Use of Sexual Inactivity Evidence in Criminal Cases.
Isabel Grant and Janine Benedet. The Meaning of Capacity and Consent in Sexual Assault: R. v. G.F.
Canadian Journal of Administrative Law & Practice, Vol. 35
Christine Hickey. Reasons First: Post-Vavilov Considerations for Tribunal Participation on Judicial Review or Appeal.
John Mark Keyes. Judicial Review of Delegated Legislation–The Road Beyond Vavilov.
Derek McKee. Review of: Joseph Heath, the Machinery of Government: Public Administration and the Liberal State.
Ron Ellis. An Administrative Justice Fix: A Model Act.
Michelle A. Alton. The Evolution of Impartiality and the Need for Cultural Competency when Assessing Credibility.
Prof. Paul Daly. Vavilov on the Road.
Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, Vol. 35
Omar Farahat. Time and Moral Choice in Islamic Jurisprudence.
Yifat Naftali Ben Zion. Moving Along the Continuum of Loyalty from a Standard Towards Rules.
Clovis Kemmerich. The Interpretation of Court Opinions.
Joshua Neoh. Law, Freedom, and Slavery.
Jeffrey Brand. Character and Repeat-Offender Sentencing.
Andre Santos Campos. The Political Conception of Human Rights and Its Rule(s) of Recognition.
Ya Lan Chang. Communitarianism, Properly Understood.
John Adenitire. The Rule of Law for All Sentient Animals.
Chris Bousquet. Words That Harm: Defending the Dignity Approach to Hate Speech Regulation.
Erick J. Sam. From Each According to Their Ability?
Education and Law Journal, Vol. 3
Shaheen Shariff, Kaelyn Macaulay, Farah Roxanne Stonebanks. What Is the Cost of Free Speech for Entertainment? A Missed Opportunity by the Supreme Court of Canada to Reduce Offensive Speech and Protect Marginalized Youth.
Rebecca Meharchand. “Unfair Dealing”: Mandatory Tariffs under Section 68.2(1) of the Copyright Act Rejected by the Supreme Court of Canada.
Baruch Wise. Vaccines Mandates and Legal Immunity for Ontario’s School Boards.
Ryan Ramdin. “Re-Framing” Student Choice in Ontario College and University Fees.
Aleks Ivovic. Disability Accommodations in University Admissions: A Step Forward for People with Disabilities or for University Autonomy?
Kenneth Wm. Thornicroft. Storming the Ivory Tower–Student Challenges to University Academic Decisions.
Indigenous Law Journal, Vol. 18
Danielle Lussier. Meek – A Legal Love Letter to My Children: If These Beads Could Talk.
Maya Chacaby. Bone Court Trial Transcripts.
University of Toronto Law Journal, Vol. 72
Robert Leckey, Eric Mendelsohn. The Notwithstanding Clause: Legislatures, Courts, and the Electorate.
Peter Jaffey. Remedial Consistency in Private Law.
Ezra Rosser. Hanoch Dagan, A Liberal Theory of Property (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2021).
David Lie, Lisa M Austin, Peter Yi Ping Sun, Wenjun Qiu. Automating Accountability? Privacy Policies, Data Transparency, and the Third Party Problem.
Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, Vol. 37
Katie Sykes, Rebecca Dickson, Sarah Ewart, Candice Foulkes, Marina Landry. Civil Revolution: User Experiences with British Columbia’s Online Court.
Hassan M. Ahmad. Judicializing Foreign Affairs: The Canada-Saudi Arms Deal and the Implications of Transnational Tort Litigation.
Dalia Gesualdi-Fecteau, Maxine Visotzky-Charlebois. L’Accès à L’Accompagnement et à la Représentation par les Personnes Accidentées ou Malades du Travail: Une Analyse Sous le Prisme des Coûts de la Justice.
Carol Dauda, Danielle McNabb. Getting to Proportionality: The Trouble with Sentencing for Possession of Child Pornography in Ontario.
Donald J. Netolitzky, Richard Warman. As the Water Grinds the Stone: Comparison of Represented and Self-Represented Appellant Populations in the Federal Court of Appeal.
One of the strengths of the Manitoba Law Library is our range of texts on evidence. We have titles specific to criminal law and family law, digital evidence, expert evidence, and section 24(2) of the Charter.
To help you browse, we’ve compiled some of our most recent print and online titles into this virtual book display.
How to use this display
Click on the image of a title you’re interested in to view the catalog listing (includes the abstract and subject headings).
Our library catalog allows you to create a reading list and keep track of titles. Click “select” at the bottom left of the book’s catalog record. You can add as many titles as you like to your list and email or print it for future reference.
We hope you enjoy this digital book display!
The following print titles are available:
24(2) Exclusion of Evidence under the CharterThe Law of Evidence in CanadaModern Criminal EvidenceProof: Canadian rules of evidenceEvidence “rules” every family law lawyer needs to knowWatt’s Manual of criminal evidence 2018
Print & Online
The following titles are available in print as well as online in Emond’s Criminal Law Series available through the Law Society Member Portal:
Expert Evidence in Criminal Law: the scientific approach
The Law of Evidence, 8th ed.
We also subscribe to journals that exclusively cover the topic of evidence. These journal titles from HeinOnline Law Journal Library are available behind the Law Society Member Portal:
Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review – vols. 1-18 (2004-2021)
International Commentary on Evidence – vols. 1-14 (1998-2016) are available in full text
International Journal of Evidence & Proof – vols. 1-22 (1996-2018) are available in full text
New articles from these journals are now available for Law Society members upon request. For a pdf copy of these or other legal journal articles email us at
Provincial Judges Journal
Introduction: Establishing an Effective Process for Judicial Compensation 44 Prov Judges J 16 Susan Dawes
Judicial Independence, Judicial Compensation and Responsible Government: Finding a more appropriate balance 44 Prov Judges J 22 Dr. Paul G. Thomas
Recent Developments in Judicial Independence: Judicial compensation commissions 44 Prov Judges J 62 Notes for Remarks of The Honourable Frank Iacobucci, C.C., Q.C.
It’s Not Just About Compensation: Some other thoughts on judicial independence 44 Prov Judges J 90 Judge Mayland McKimm
McGill Journal of Law and Health (also available on
A Reflection on the Duty to Warn after Létourneau v JTI-MacDonald: A Future for Obesity Litigation in Canada? 14 McGill J. L. & Health 89 Jacob J Shelley
Book Note: Deveault, Audrey & Michaël Lessard, dir, Mourir au 21 Siècle: Entre Corporalités et Technologies, Montréal, Québec, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2020 15 McGill J. L. & Health 1 Jean-Frédéric Ménard
Homologation du Mandat de Protection en cas D’Inaptitude Partielle du Mandant: 10 ans Après LP c FH, où en Sommes-Nous Rendus? 15 McGill J. L. & Health 5 Anne-Isabelle Cloutier
Canadian Journal of Law and Technology
Reframing Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence at the Intersections of Law & Society 19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 209 Jane Bailey, Carys Craig, Suzie Dunn, Sonia Lawrence
Onlife Harms: Uber and Sexual Violence 19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 277 Amanda Turnbull
“I Bet You Don’t Get What We Get”: An Intersectional Analysis of Technology-Facilitated Violence Experienced by Racialized Women Anti-Violence Online Activists in Canada 19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 217 Nasreen Rajani
Responding to Deficiencies in the Architecture of Privacy: Co-Regulation as the Path Forward for Data Protection on Social Networking Sites 19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 411 Laurent Crépeau
Dignity, Intersectional Gendered Harm, and a Flexible Approach: Analysis of the Right to One’s Image in Quebec 19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 307 Yuan Stevens
Mike Zajko, Telecom Tension: Internet Service Providers and Public Policy in Canada 19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 505 Matt Malone
On the Internet, Nobody Knows You Are a Dog: Contested Authorship of Digital Evidence in Cases of Gender-Based Violence 19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 371 Suzie Dunn, Moira Aikenhead
Bringing Section 8 Home: An Argument for Recognizing a Reasonable Expectation of Privacy in Metadata Collected from Smart Home Devices 19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 457 Ana Qarri
Intimate Images and Authors’ Rights: Non-Consensual Disclosure and the Copyright Disconnect 19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 333 Meghan Sali
“Don’t Take on the Responsibilty of Somebody Else’s Fu**ed up Behavior”: Responding to Online Abuse in the Context of Barriers to Support 19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 249 Chandell Gosse
Artificial Intelligence in Canadian Healthcare: Will the Law Protect Us from Algorithmic Bias Resulting in Discrimination? 19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 475 Bradley Henderson, Colleen M. Flood, Teresa Scassa
Manitoba Law Journal (also available on
Decades in Crisis: A Critical Analysis of the Underuse of Sections 81 and 84 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Its Role in the Systemic Neglect of Indigenous Rehabilitation and Reintegration 44 Man. L.J. 96 Madison Parker
A Tale of Two Countries: Constitutionalizing the Mandatory Minimum Sentence 44 Man. L.J. 149 Bryton M.P. Moen
Making an ‘ASH’ Out of Gladue: The Bowden Experiment 44 Man. L.J. 1 Jane Dickson
Reconsidering Luxton in the Post-Nur Revolution: A Brief Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Recent Challenges to Mandatory Minimums and Other Sentencing Provisions 44 Man. L.J. 124 Stacey M. Purser
The Devil’s Playground: A Case Study of Elgin-Middlesex Detention Centre (EMDC) Demonstrating the Systemic Failings of the Ontario Corrections Regime 44 Man. L.J. 60 Nicole Kelly
The latest issues of these journals are out and available for members. PDF copies of these articles are available upon request following copyright fair use guidelines. Contact us at for more information.
Education and Law Journal
Annual Review of Education Law 30 Educ. & L.J. 237
Manitoba Law Journal (also available on
Preface & Issue Overview “Ultra Vires and Void:” an Executive Inquiry Takes on Manitoba’s Legislative Building Crisis (And Wins) 44 Man. L.J. 185 Tom Mitchell
Triaging and Mediating to Meet the Needs of Families under the Family Dispute Resolution (Pilot Project) Act of Manitoba 44 Man. L.J. 1 Stefanie Goldberg
Bad Law: Rethinking Justice for a Postcolonial Canada 44 Man. L.J. 299 Justice Gerald Jewers
A Deposit in a Pre-Incorporation Transaction Is Still a Deposit: A Comment on Benedetto v 2453912 Ontario Inc 44 Man. L.J. 225 Darcy L. MacPherson
High Time for Change: Combatting the Black Market for Cannabis in Canada 44 Man. L.J. 257 Nick Noonan
Readability in the Canadian Tax System 44 Man. L.J. 63 Colin Jackson
The Premier Should Not Also Be the Attorney General: Roncarelli v Duplessis Revisited as a Cautionary Tale in Legal Ethics and Professionalism 44 Man. L.J. 155 Andrew Flavelle Martin
The Duty of Legislative Counsel as Guardians of the Statute Book: Sui Generis or a Professional Duty of Lawyers? 44 Man. L.J. 116 Andrew Flavelle Martin
The Troubled History of the Defence of Duress and Excluded Offences: Could the Reasoned Use of Mitigation on Sentencing Prevent Duress from (Further) Becoming Archaic, Gendered, and Completely Inaccessible? 44 Man. L.J. 33 Frances E. Chapman, Georgette M. Lemieux
Fitness to Stand Trial and Dementia: Considering Changes to Assessment to Meet Demographic Need 44 Man. L.J. 177 Shauna Sawich, Hygiea Casiano
Fundamentally Flawed: The Arbitrariness of the Corporal Punishment Defence 44 Man. L.J. 87 Mark Carter
The Availability of the Common Law Defence of Duress to Principals Charged with Murder: An Analysis of the Conflicting Appellate Decisions in R v Willis (TAW) and R v Aravena 44 Man. L.J. 136 Robert H. Tanha
The Constitutionality of Excluding Duress as a Defence to Murder 44 Man. L.J. 111 Colton Fehr
The Slow Death of the Reasonable Steps Requirement for the Mistake of Age Defence 44 Man. L.J. 1 Isabel Grant
Shattered: The Historic and Continued Breaching of Indigenous Persons Right to Reasonable and Timely Bail 44 Man. L.J. 170 Sean Gallop
Blurred Lines: A Critical Examination of the Use of Police Officers and Police Employees as Expert Witnesses in Criminal Trials 44 Man. L.J. 48 Brandon Trask, Evan Podaima
The latest issues of these journals are out and available for members. PDF copies of these articles are available upon request following copyright fair use guidelines. Contact us at for more information.
Estates Trusts & Pensions Journal
From the Law Reports
Identity and Cy-prés: Galloway Estate v. B.C. SPCA – A comment Donavan Waters
Calmusky v. Calmusky: A Novel Application of the Presumption of Resulting Trust or an Outlier? Lisa Filgiano
No Accounting Ordered for Inter Vivos Gifts by Competent Testator: Duhn Estate Nora Christianson Fien
Nova Scotia (Attorney General) v. Lawen Estate: A Case Comment Jane Thomson
Sherman Estate v. Donovan: When is Privacy a Publicly Protectable Interest? David Young
Postscript from Québec Marilyn Piccini Roy
From the Legislature
Acknowledging Acknowledgments: Another Option? Ian Lebane
Exploring the Limits of an Attorney for Property’s Authority Under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 Melanie Yach
Canadian Family Law Quarterly
Tax Efficient Solutions to Division of Corporate Property: Can The Court Order A Corporate Reorganization? 40 C.F.L.Q. 49 Scott Booth
Ontario’s Family Law Limited Scope Services Project: Rhetoric and Realities of the Family Bar Addressing Access to Justice Challenges 40 C.F.L.Q. 1 Rachel Birnbaum; Nicholas Bala
Focused Hearings 40 C.F.L.Q. 87 Justice Stanley Sherr
Retroactive Support After Colucci 40 C.F.L.Q. 61 Rollie Thompson
National Journal of Constitutional Law
A Question of Law: (Formal) Declarations of Invalidity and the Doctrine of Stare Decisis 42 Nat’l J. Const. L. 1 Alexandre Marcotte
The Effect of Declarations of Unconstitutionality in Canada 42 Nat’l J. Const. L. 25 Paul Daly, Jeremy Opolsky, Jake Babad, Julie Lowenstein
La Temporalité des Jugements D’Inconstitutionnalité des Lois au Canada: Ce que L’on Dit Être Leur Rétroactivité 42 Nat’l J. Const. L. 63 Danielle Pinard
McGill Law Journal
Domestic Contracts and Family Law Exceptionalism: An Historical Perspective 66 McGill L.J. 303 Luke Taylor
Religious Challenges to Anti-Discrimination Law: The Mobilization of the “Minority Label” 66 McGill L.J. 377 Léa Brière-Godbout, Marie-Andrée Plante
Creative and Responsive Advocacy for Reconciliation: The Application of Gladue Principles in Administrative Lawl 66 McGill L.J. 337 Andrew Flavelle Martin
L’indépendance du Québec et le Choix Autochtone de la Continuité Canadienne 66 McGill L.J. 253 Ghislain Otis, Aurélie Laurent
The Manitoba Law Library would like to acknowledge with gratitude that we are situated on Treaty One Territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree and Dakota peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.
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