by Allyssa McFadyen | Jan 23, 2018 | Commentary, Family Law, Legal Research
We have a new book display set-up at the Library on the theme of Family Law.
All books are items from our reserve room, and thus are the most recent editions.
If you’re looking to take out any of these books, please let a staff member know (48 hour loan period).
The titles are:
- Manitoba CPLED Program 2016-2017: Family Law
- Settling Family Law Cases: Practical Techniques for Advocates and Neutrals by Lorne Wolfson (2017)
- Family Law Arbitration in Canada (3rd ed.) by Ann C. Wilton and Gary S. Joseph (2017)
- Child Support Guidelines Law and Practice by James C. MacDonald and Ann C. Wilton [no longer updated, current to 2016] *
- Financial Principles of Family Law by Andrew J. Freedman and Paula G. White [no longer updated, current to 2016] *
- The Annotated Divorce Act, 2018 ed., MacDonald and Wilton
* Looseleaf titles, which are available upon request.
by Karen Sawatzky | Jan 17, 2018 | Family Law, Law Society Publications, Legal Research
The January 2018 edition of the Family Law Update has been published. Selected contents include:
- Decision Dismissing Variation Motion Upheld: MBCA
- Awarding Sole Custody Without Pleading a Procedural Error: MBCA
- Recent Care and Control Cases: MBQB
- $10,000 Security for Costs Ordered in High Conflict Support Variation Case: MBQB
- Review of Manitoba’s Child Welfare Legislation
- Annual Joint Family Law Program
- Collaborative Practice Manitoba Spring Offerings
Members have the option of signing up for delivery.
by Karen Sawatzky | Jan 8, 2018 | Commentary, Law Society Publications, Legal Research
The latest Business eLaw has been published. If you’re not familiar with this resource, it is a publication produced by the Law Society of Manitoba with the latest news on a particular area of law, including digests of recent decisions, relevant changes to legislation, and other interesting commentary. eLaws are produced on Business, Criminal, Family, Labour and Employment, Litigation, Property and Succession, and Practice Management.
Selected contents from this edition of Business eLaw:
- Framework for Imposing Liability in Negligent Misrepresentation Cases: SCC
- Courts Play a Critical Role in Safeguarding Treaty Rights: SCC
- Certainty in Commercial Relations Critical: MBCA
- Retroactive COLA Payments Not Oppressive: MBQB
- By-law Interpretation Challenge Compelling but Unsuccessful: MBQB
- Legislative Update
- FinTech Report: Competition Bureau
- 2018 Mid-Winter Conference: MBA
You can sign up to receive eLaws directly to your email inbox, selecting only the areas of law you’re interested in.
by Karen Sawatzky | Jan 4, 2018 | Legal Publishing, Legal Research, New Books
New additions to our print collection:
Civil Law:
Tort Law, 6th ed. by Lewis N. Klar
The Law of Declaratory Judgments, 4th ed. by Lazar Sarna
Criminal Law:
Watt’s Manual of Criminal Jury Instructions, 2nd ed. by The Honourable Mr. Justice David Watt
Administrative Law:
Practice and Procedure Before Administrative Tribunals by Robert W. Macaulay and James L.H. Sprague (6 vol. looseleaf)
New items are kept in our reserve collection, which is only available during business hours. Depending on demand, these can be borrowed for use off site for a limited amount of time.
by Karen Sawatzky | Dec 15, 2017 | Access to Justice, Commentary, Legal Research
The law librarian world is geeking out today over Charterpedia, the federal government’s compilation of analysis and caselaw on the Canadian Charter. It’s like a crowd-sourced annotated Charter, for free!
This Charterpedia provides legal information about the Charter and contains information about the purpose of each section of the Charter, the analysis or test developed through case law in respect of the section, and any particular considerations related to it. Each Charterpedia entry cites relevant case law, and citations to Supreme Court of Canada decisions are hyperlinked whenever possible.
If you don’t have access to a paid annotated Charter product (or even if you do), I’d highly recommend starting with this.
by Karen Sawatzky | Nov 2, 2017 | Caselaw, Commentary, e-Books, Journals, Legal Research, United States
Once again, more legal resources behind the Law Society of Manitoba’s Member’s Portal! My personal mission is to step beyond the Perimeter to provide service and value to those members who live and work outside of Winnipeg. From the press release:
vLex Canada, the only place to research enriched Canadian case law alongside a growing collection of law journals, secondary sources and a dozen core legal texts. A service of Compass, the successor to Maritime Law Book, vLex Canada is home to the venerable Manitoba Reports (2d), and it supports topic-based Canadian case law browsing and search using the MLB Key Number System across over 100 topics and tens of thousands of sub-topics.
vLex US provides comprehensive case law, statutes and regulations at both the federal and state level, as well as full-text access to over 290 secondary legal sources.
If you would like training on these or any of the other e-products available, please contact us and we will be happy to set up a webinar.
I think this will be the end of new electronic content for a little while. I’ll be reviewing analytics to determine the uptake of all these new resources, so please try them out.
Read the full press release here.