New Book Display: Manitoba Resources

The Great Library has been hosting a student from the Library and Information Technology program at Red River College for the past two weeks. Artemis Hedrich is in the final few months of the program, and this was an opportunity for her to see how a law library works. With help from legal information professional Allyssa McFadyen, she put together a display on the many resources of Manitoba law that are available both here at the Great Library and online.

Titles in the display

  • Chief Justice Samuel Freedman: A Great Canadian Judge by Cameron Harvey
  • Manitoba Law Journal | 2017 Volume 40 Number 3 | Criminal Law edition
  • The Manitoba Gazette | 2013 PT. 1- 52
    – print copies between 1901-2013
  • Manitoba Regulations | 1/2017 – 171/2017
    – print copies between 1946-2017, online access to current
  • Judicious Restraint: The Life and Law of Justice Marshall E. Rothstein, general editors Lisa M. Kelly, and Ivo Entchev.   *New*

This collection of papers dedicates itself to the legacy of The Honourable Justice Marshall Rothstein, who became a judge of the Supreme Court of Canada in 2006 and retired in 2015.

Featured in the display

Behind the Member’s Portal

Available OpenAccess

Upcoming CPD Events from the Law Society of Manitoba:

Privacy Please
New Mandatory Breach Reporting Requirements under PIPEDA
March 20, 2019    │   12:00 pm  to  1:00 pm
Webinar Only ~ No in-person attendance

Top 10 Things Every Lawyer Should Know – Criminal Law
April 17, 2019    │   12:00 pm  to  1:00 pm
Webinar Only ~ No in-person attendance

Supreme Court of Canada on Impaired Driving

Keeping to yesterday’s theme on Criminal Law and Impaired Driving resources, the SCC recently released a couple of decisions on driving under the influence. 

From Supreme Advocacy Issue #61’s “Supreme One-Liners”: 

R. v. Gubbins2018 SCC 44 (37395) (37403)

Maintenance records of breathalyzers subject to third party disclosure regime.

R. v. Awashish2018 SCC 45 (37207)

Certiorari an extraordinary remedy, available only in narrow circumstances.

The full summary from Supreme Advocacy is available here. You can sign up for a free subscription to Supreme Advocacy here

SCC to Release Appeals re Trinity Western University-Updated

This Friday, the Supreme Court of Canada will release its decision on Trinity Western University et al v. Law Society of Upper Canada and Law Society of British Columbia v. Trinity Western University et al. These appeals, heard at the same time, concern the denial of accreditation by the law societies of a proposed new law school at Trinity Western. At issue is a community covenant students would be required to sign, based on Evangelical Christian principles of Biblical teachings and morality.

Each appeal was allowed numerous interveners to join (TWU v. LSUC, LSBC v. TWU).

Much has been written about the arguments so far, and there will be more analysis to come. This post will be updated on Friday with a link to the decision.

CanLII Connects re TWU v. LSUC, LSBC v. TWU re TWU


Trinity Western University v. Law Society of Upper Canada, 2018 SCC 33

Law Society of British Columbia v. Trinity Western University, 2018 SCC 32


The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Louis Riel Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th at 8:30 a.m.