Legislative Updates

The 4th Session of the 41st Legislature resumed on March 6, 2019.

New Bills

Government Bills:

Private Members’ Bills:

Check the Bill Status daily to follow the legislative process.

Orders in Council, February 2019

Decision of the Week: Reference re Health Care Certification

The Manitoba Court of Appeal released this Reference re Certification in the Manitoba Health Sector, 2019 MBCA 18.

[2]                           This matter comes before this Court as a reference from the Manitoba Labour Board (the Board).  The Board may refer any question of law for a final determination by this Court (see section 143(4) of The Labour Relations Act, CCSM c L10 (the LRA)).  This reference concerns a controversy that has arisen as to the correct procedure for non-unionised employees in the health sector organising for the purpose of collective bargaining under this new model.  The dispute is about who is the appropriate decision-maker as to an application for certification in the health sector.  The two possibilities are the Board exercising its authority under the LRA or the Commissioner exercising his authority under the Act.

A unanimous Court determined that the Commissioner is the sole decision-maker for an application for certification in the health sector.

New Book Display: Manitoba Resources

The Great Library has been hosting a student from the Library and Information Technology program at Red River College for the past two weeks. Artemis Hedrich is in the final few months of the program, and this was an opportunity for her to see how a law library works. With help from legal information professional Allyssa McFadyen, she put together a display on the many resources of Manitoba law that are available both here at the Great Library and online.

Titles in the display

  • Chief Justice Samuel Freedman: A Great Canadian Judge by Cameron Harvey
  • Manitoba Law Journal | 2017 Volume 40 Number 3 | Criminal Law edition
  • The Manitoba Gazette | 2013 PT. 1- 52
    – print copies between 1901-2013
  • Manitoba Regulations | 1/2017 – 171/2017
    – print copies between 1946-2017, online access to current
  • Judicious Restraint: The Life and Law of Justice Marshall E. Rothstein, general editors Lisa M. Kelly, and Ivo Entchev.   *New*

This collection of papers dedicates itself to the legacy of The Honourable Justice Marshall Rothstein, who became a judge of the Supreme Court of Canada in 2006 and retired in 2015.

Featured in the display

Behind the Member’s Portal

Available OpenAccess

Upcoming CPD Events from the Law Society of Manitoba:

Privacy Please
New Mandatory Breach Reporting Requirements under PIPEDA
March 20, 2019    │   12:00 pm  to  1:00 pm
Webinar Only ~ No in-person attendance

Top 10 Things Every Lawyer Should Know – Criminal Law
April 17, 2019    │   12:00 pm  to  1:00 pm
Webinar Only ~ No in-person attendance

Upcoming CPD Webinars

The Law Society of Manitoba
Professional Education and Competence

Privacy Please: New Requirements under PIPEDA

March 20, 2019 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
No in-person attendance

Presenter: Andrew Buck, Pitblado LLP

On November 1, 2018, amendments to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) came into force which impose mandatory breach reporting, notification and record-keeping requirements on organizations subject to PIPEDA. This includes law firms.

This webinar presentation is designed to provide practitioners who do not specialize in privacy law with a primer on the new PIPEDA requirements as well as an update on other cutting edge privacy law topics.

Includes 1 hour of CPD activity, including 0.5 hours of EPPM.

Register Now

Top 10 Things Every Lawyer Should Know – Criminal Law

April 17, 2019 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
No in-person attendance

Presenter: Saul Simmonds, Gindin Wolson Simmonds Roitenberg

This webinar is focused on frequently asked questions in the area of criminal law.  Experienced criminal defense lawyer, Saul Simmonds, will provide the basic information you need to answer these questions and he will point you toward relevant case law and legislation.

While this webinar is designed for practitioners who do not specialize in criminal law, it will also serve as a good refresher for those who do.

Includes 1 hour of CPD activity.

Register Now

Legislative Updates: New Proclamation

The Government of Manitoba has proclaimed the following Act:

The Boards, Committees, Councils and Commissions Streamlining Act (Various Acts Amended or Repealed) (section 11) S.M. 2018, c. 8, effective March 1, 2019.

This Act amends various Acts and repeals others in order to consolidate or eliminate a number of boards, committees, councils and commissions or reduce their size.

Part 1 changes the structure of eleven boards, committees, councils and commissions.

Part 2 merges or eliminates several boards, committees, councils and a commission.

Part 3 amends The Executive Government Organization Act. With Cabinet’s approval, a minister may appoint an advisory committee for a specific purpose and for a limited period.

The library will be closing at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11th.  Lawyers can ask Protective Services for access after hours.